We know that you love stories that touch the soul and make your eyes watery . This time, the protagonist is a beautiful husky dog who has already moved half the world with her altruism and kindness. The dog, named Banner, three years old, is a support dog for people with disabilities, like her owner Whitney. But … Banner was not happy with helping only his owner and wanted to change the world by giving the opportunity to a group of newborn kittens that they had abandoned in the middle of the forest. So small!
Banner found them and has cared for them like his own young all this time. It has shown us that, once again, dogs are much better living beings than many people and if they are in this world it is to fix the ripped and selfishness that many people have, who believe they have the right to violate the lives of some adorable little kittens who had done no wrong.
Banner knew how to see beyond this situation and gave us a lesson in altruism and humility by raising and caring for animals with only three days of life. Is awesome!
So this bitch is a total movie superhero who strives to make the world better and … She continually proves it! His social networks, which already have thousands of followers, are filled with photos of a special dog who loves to dress up as a superhero and teach kindness to the world.
Aside from all this, Banner is a child therapy bitch and a doggy model for some brands. An amazing bitch!
From Muy Pets we tell you everything you need to know about this real heroine.