News"Bretterbütze" - Southwest advertises with "correct pronunciation"

"Bretterbütze" – Southwest advertises with "correct pronunciation"

“Bretterbütze” instead of buttered pretzel: In order to advertise Baden-Württemberg, the state marketing takes up an art project from the Internet on “correct pronunciation” – and is corrected.

Freiburg / Stuttgart – For a few weeks now, the Baden-Württemberg regional marketing department has been using clips from the “Correct Pronunciation – BaWü Edition” series on its social network accounts.

Words such as “butter pretzel”, “Maultasche” and “toilet paper roll” are displayed, a voice from the off then deliberately pronounces them alienated: “Bretterbütze”, “Manteltasche” or “Klapaprolle” – with a French touch with a silent ending E. This is usually followed by a short sentence such as: “Glued and knotted in two places, the board leg still holds like it is lubricated.”

Internet users react very differently: Some recognize the “correct pronunciation” format of the artist collective Luksan Wunder, which has been posting videos of this kind on the Internet for years. And like there, too, some celebrate the language games. Others question the meaning and purpose of it all. And some also correct and refer to the native dialect: “Budderbrezl” or “Mauldäschle”.

“On Instagram in particular, we were able to achieve a large reach of up to almost 50,000 impressions per clip with the series,” said a spokesman for the State Ministry in Stuttgart. 15 videos have been produced. It always revolves around inventions from Baden-Württemberg. While most people will probably notice this with spaetzle press, butter pretzel and cuckoo clock, one needs more knowledge with spaghetti ice cream, perm and relativity theory.

If you don’t have that, regional marketing can help. It arranges the clips on the “bwjetzt” accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube: “Did you know that Germany’s first toilet paper roll came from Ludwigsburg? The company @hakle_hygienepapiere, founded in 1928, advertised its new product with a guaranteed 1,000 sheets. “

According to the spokesman, the costs for the conception, implementation and production of the series “Correct Pronunciation – BaWü Edition” are less than 10,000 euros. The idea arose in cooperation with the Urban Propaganda agency. The series of Luksan miracles on Youtube is very successful, some clips have more than a million clicks. dpa

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