EntertainmentGamesCyberpunk 2077 appears already in the PlayStation Store of...

Cyberpunk 2077 appears already in the PlayStation Store of PS5 and on June 21 it will be available to buy

Updated 15:55 : finally those who already have a copy and download it will be able to play with the latest update published so far, patch 1.22. We have adjusted the text of the news with this new feature.

Updated 19:30 : In published by CD Projekt RED it is mentioned that Cyberpunk 2077 will be officially sold again from June 21.

The launch of Cyberpunk 2077 was surrounded by controversy from day one . Due to the failures and problems with which it was released, Sony made the decision to stop selling it in its digital stores because it considered that it did not reach a level of satisfaction high enough to consume.

However, after so many months missing, perhaps his return is closer than we imagine. The reason is because the CD Projekt RED RPG has reappeared in the PlayStation Store on PS5 , although there is only the option to add it to our wish list and at the moment it cannot be purchased in any way.

Both on PS4 and in the web version of the Sony store there is no trace of Cyberpunk 2077 anywhere, only on PS5 , as you can see in the following screenshots that we have taken.

Likewise, from IGN they ensure that those who already had a digital copy of the game will have the option to download it again to enjoy it again. In this case, it will be available with version 1.22 , the latest one published so far.

As much as the number of crashes has dropped with each patch and the quality of the game has improved overall with its updates, Sony remains silent on when it will decide to officially bring it back . Even so, Adam Kicinksi, CEO of CD Projekt RED assured days ago that he is still in talks with the company to change his mind, but the last word will remain exclusive to Sony.

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