FunNature & AnimalDog diseases that are more frequent in summer

Dog diseases that are more frequent in summer

With the arrival of the holidays and also with the good weather we decided to relax and do all kinds of activities with our pet. A hike in the mountains, a swim in the river, a copious meal and sleeping through the night with the air conditioning on.

All this change in routines can cause some imbalances in the health of our furry . In addition, dogs in summer are more likely to suffer from specific diseases. We tell you more.


The hearing of dogs is very sensitive and, as you well know, it is more developed than that of humans. Dogs in summer tend to bathe more often, so their ears accumulate more moisture and increases the possibility of bacteria proliferating and leading to this type of inflammation: otitis. Detecting it is very easy. If your dog scratches his ears more than usual, shakes his head constantly, his ears smell bad or they secrete more wax than usual, he may have otitis. To try to prevent it, as far as possible, it is advisable to clean every 15 days or, at a minimum, check your ears to see if they need cleaning. If your furry has floppy or large ears, you should do it more frequently, since these breeds of dogs are more prone to suffering from otitis. During the summer season, and especially in prone dogs, you can apply an ear cleaner every 4/5 days. This will keep bacteria and yeast under control.

Dermatitis and skin allergies

Changes in climate, temperature and diet can also cause irritation to your furry’s skin. Dermatitis is a reaction of the animal’s skin due to the presence of infectious bacteria . These are activated by high temperatures and that is why they cause the presence of dandruff, pimples and small bumps on the skin. In addition, they also worsen the condition of your hair. Faced with this infection, the dog will react by scratching and biting the infected areas to “calm” the itch, which will contribute to the worsening of the situation. Although no breed is excluded from the possibility of suffering from dermatitis, the most prone breeds are long-haired and white-haired .

External parasites

Dogs in summer are more exposed to external parasites so be careful! Ticks, fleas and mosquitoes are eager to find their prey, so it is very important that you protect your furry from them. You can do this by applying pipettes or by placing an antiparasitic collar, thus preventing them from accessing your skin and damaging your health. We also recommend that you regularly inspect their fur for any parasites that have broken through the protective barrier. If you have any questions about how to protect your furry, consult a specialist for advice on the best method you can use.

Digestive or gastrointestinal problems

In addition to high temperatures and changes in habits, in summer we also change our diet and, therefore, in many cases, that of our pets. This series of factors can lead to digestive and gastrointestinal problems such as gastroenteritis. If we detect it in time and take care of it, it will not go away, but it is important to treat it since otherwise it can have very negative consequences on the health of your furry.

In addition, all these changes influence the well-being of dogs and cats. It is common during these months that we offer them more often the leftovers of our food and that they eat plants and herbs in outdoor activities, and they often feel bad what they eat. The diarrhea and digestive problems that they end up producing are uncomfortable and annoying for them.

The symptoms of intestinal problems are very diverse and can cause from loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and even constipation. In more extreme cases, your furry can have bloody stools, problems in the absorption or digestion of food, which can lead to pancreatitis . In cases like these, it is best to consult a specialist, he will recommend the best treatment for the specific case of your furry.

But, yes, you can try to prevent these situations as much as possible. Avoid giving your pet the remains of your food : their nutritional needs and their digestive system is totally different from that of humans. Also try to preserve your habits and diet as much as possible, and whenever you want to change it, go to a specialist to advise you on the most appropriate way to do it.

Bladder infections or cystitis

Dogs in summer can also suffer from cystitis and other bladder infections. These urinary problems occur when bacteria travel up the urinary tract from outside and cause a bladder infection. Sometimes they also infect the kidneys.

Cystitis tends to affect females more frequently , as their urinary ducts are shorter. The constant need to urinate and the appearance of blood or cloudy color in the urine are the most common symptoms . In the event that the kidneys have also been infected, your furry will also drink and urinate very frequently. It may also be that your dog cries and complains during urination , as it is a quite painful infection. Whenever you detect any of these cases in your furry, consult a specialist to corroborate the diagnosis and indicate the procedure to follow. With this and your care, your pet will recover soon and will be happy and healthy again.

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