EntertainmentMovies & TV'Fatma', the Turkish suspense series that has premiered Netflix

'Fatma', the Turkish suspense series that has premiered Netflix

Among the premieres of the week is Fatma, a Turkish series created by newcomer Ozgur Onurme. Netflix has released this series based on an original story by Ahmet Vatan. A dramatic thriller starring Fatma Yilmaz, a quiet and quiet cleaning woman who is involved in a series of murders, a rather surprising plot as the protagonist Fatma is trying to find her husband to explain the tragic death of her son sick in an accident. But while she’s looking for him, something inside her changes and she goes on a murder spree. FatmaFatma, an invisible woman The protagonist Fatma Yilmaz is an ordinary and apparently calm normal woman who for everyone is not capable of committing any crime. Fatma is simply an invisible woman for everyone. This will allow you to do things and commit crimes with impunity without raising suspicions from your neighbors or family. Even after the first murders she decides to confess and turn herself in to the police but no one pays attention to her. Fatma is a good person and an impeccable cleaner who tries to stay out of trouble and lives in a shed rented to her by neighbors. You can’t even trust them because he is a drunk who knocks on your door at night and she is quite a nosy and unpleasant woman. Fatma is unlucky enough to come across bad people like gangsters and criminals and her life will change forever. It so happens that one of the houses Fatma works in belongs to a crime writer who talks with her about crimes she sees on television. and that can serve as inspiration. The writer is surprised by his intuition to discover one of the murderers in the family environment.A good production The Fatma series consists of six episodes of about 40 to 50 minutes of which Onurme directs three episodes and the other three Ozer Feyzioglu (Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoglu, Tosun). A fiction starring the young actress Burcu Biricik which we have seen in The Raven or Her Sey Seninle Güzel). Also in the cast are Gökçe Eyüboglu, Deniz Sen Hamzaoglu, Melis Sezen, Kubilay Tunçer, Hazal Türesan, Ugur Yücel, and Çagdas Onur Öztürk. The character of the protagonist’s sister Mine is played by the well-known actress Hazal Türesan, a series that surprises with its strange and unexpected story in which it is seen little by little how the protagonist transforms. A woman who one day when she is fed up with scorn and abusive situations, takes a gun and shoots a person who wanted to harm her. Little by little Fatma unwittingly gets into a spiral of problems that will lead her to commit several murders. Fatma is a good premiere for the month of April of which we still do not know if there will be a second part.

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