LivingTravelFind the location of Prague on a map

Find the location of Prague on a map

Travelers talk about how great Prague is as a travel destination, but many still wonder “Where is Prague?”

Location of Prague

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, a country in Central and Eastern Europe. Praha, as Prague is known locally, is located in Bohemia, a region of the Czech Republic just west of its center. The Vltava River, which runs from north to south, divides Prague and its old town. In fact, its name is associated with water, referring to the river that has been so important to its development.

Prague’s location has long been important to the region. As the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia, it saw its cultural life grow in the 14th century under Charles IV. Many monuments in Prague recall this focus on the city as the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia. For example, St. Vitus Cathedral, located on Castle Hill, was started during that time and continues to be a symbol of both the city’s history and its timeless and haunting beauty.

Prague was also the capital of Czechoslovakia and gained international notoriety with the Velvet Revolution of 1989, which led to the Communist Party resigning as the power of a single party and eventually democratic elections. Czechoslovakia, after these changes were made, split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. Since its independence, Prague has grown from a pleasantly dilapidated economic destination to one of the most popular and tourist-oriented cities in Central Europe. . Its rich culture, interesting nightlife, a full calendar of events, its relationship with music and art, and a huge old town that can be easily explored on foot attract more and more visitors each year.

Distances of the main cities from Prague

Prague is:

  • 241 m / 389 km from Krakow
  • 156 m / 251 km from Vienna
  • 275 m / 443 km from Budapest
  • 670 m / 1078 km from Bucharest
  • 1034 m / 1664 km from Moscow

Get there

Prague is included in many tours of eastern Central Europe and acts as an ideal starting point for day trips from Prague, such as Cesky Krumlov or Plzen, famous for beer. Vaclav Havel Airport serves international travelers to Prague and acts as a hub for Czech Airlines.

Other popular destination cities are only a few hours by train from Prague, such as Munich, Vienna, Frankfurt and Warsaw. Prague makes a great weekend trip if you are already in Europe or a valuable addition to a travel itinerary that includes several countries and capitals. The beauty and history of Prague never fails to impress visitors who may not have had any prior experience with eastern Central Europe.

Prague: another name for Prague

Czechs know the city that English speakers know as Prague. The name Praha is also used by Estonian, Ukrainian, Slovak and Lithuanian speakers. Some languages outside of Central and Eastern Europe use the name Praha to refer to the Czech capital as well.

Other names for Prague include Prag and Prague. Most people in Europe will know which city you are talking about, whether you use the name Prague or Prague.

To say that you are visiting Praha may sound pretentious to US English speakers, but almost everyone else will know exactly what you are talking about, so well known is the native name of this city.

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