LivingFive minutes of exercise

Five minutes of exercise

ejercicio-verdeAccording to a new study by the American Chemical Society (ACS) published in the journalEnvironmental Science & Technology, just5 minutes of exercise in a park, in the garden or in any other green spacethey suppose aimportant mental health benefitat any age.

Until now, many scientific evidences have shown that activities in natural spaces reduce the risk of suffering from mental illness and improve the feeling of well-being. But no one had yet quantified how long a person had to spend in a green area for those benefits to be visible. ? For the first time we have determined the‘minimal dose of nature’that is needed to obtain positive effects on mental health, which arefive minutes? says Jules Prettu, co-author of the study, in which she has investigated more than 1,200 subjects who engaged in activities as diverse as walking, cycling, fishing in a river or gardening. The results show thatgreen areas with water add an “extra” health benefit, Pretty pointed out.

Among the positive effects of “green exercise”, Pretty highlighted the improvement of self-esteem, and clarified that the greatest beneficiaries are young people and those who suffer from mental illnesses. “We believe that it would be very beneficial for individuals, society and for health servicesif people of all ages ‘self-medicate’ with more exercise in green areas“, suggest the researchers.

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