FunNature & AnimalGloves and masks, the new #Basuraleza

Gloves and masks, the new #Basuraleza

When we go on an excursion to the countryside, the mountains, the beach or any type of natural environment we must be even more careful than normal when it comes to not leaving garbage. For this reason, we must always carry with us a bag in which you keep the waste and waste that we generate during the day.

For this, the ‘LIBERA, united against garbage can’ project was born in 2017 in Spain, in order to curb the consequences of garbage abandoned in natural spaces, garbage, in the different Spanish ecosystems.

It was created by the oldest environmental NGO in Spain, SEO / BirdLife, in alliance with Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organization that promotes the circular economy through the recycling of packaging.
Its objective is clear: to raise awareness and mobilize citizens to promote the continued existence of much more life in favor of biodiversity.

After the confinement that has lasted more than two months in Spain due to the COVID-19 crisis, natural parks, forests and coastal areas are once again filled with people eager to enjoy these unique places. But, as many Twitter users make visible under the hashtag #basuraleza , these environments are not always found as they should.

And in 2020, in addition, the new garbage adds the masks and gloves for the prevention of the coronavirus improperly discarded:

In addition, the project in 2020 is focused on making an appeal against dumping garbage from cars to prevent waste from concentrating in the gutters and ending up reaching even further. And it is that, in Spain, 300 kilograms of garbage are collected every day in the gutters .

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