FunNature & AnimalHamster, care and education when you get home

Hamster, care and education when you get home

Hamsters are active, skittish, and hardworking beings. They are nocturnal, they like to dig tunnels to live in and store.
You must choose the type of hamster that best suits your family, because there are social ones like dwarfs (so it is better to buy a pair, female) or little social like Syrians, who are very territorial and do not need to live in company. Although, on the contrary, they like human company, they are docile and playful.

In general, they are easy to care for but we must take into account the steps we take when they arrive at our house for the first time, they will be essential for our future coexistence.

The hamster is a peaceful and calm being, in general, but it will try to bite if it is scared , if you hurt it or when it is not caught well. To catch him correctly, do it with cupped hands and without pressure, bringing your hands closer slowly, letting him smell you first and giving him his time. You can put a snack between your hands the first few times so that he knows that it will be a positive experience. When he gets used to being caught, you can stop giving him a reward but caress him and talk to him with affection so that he does not forget that this moment will only bring good consequences.

If you are approaching slowly and placing your hands well but you see that your furry friend is leaning only on his hind legs and his teeth are chattering aggressively, it is better not to try to get closer or you will get a bite as a gift.

Another way is to grab him by the skin of the neck but you will not be able to do it as easily as you think.

He starts with his education from the day he arrives at your house

The best thing is that during the first ten days in your home you do not bother him too much, you will not even be able to clean the cage, or change the nest in which he sleeps or touch up anything. We can only come closer to give you water and food when you need it. Carrying out these guidelines we will achieve that the animal recognizes us by our body odor. The approach should be at night, which is when the animal is active.

When the indicated days pass, our hamster will recognize us and we can get closer. After two weeks you can put your hand in the cage so that the animal can smell it. Do it slowly and with a special treat for rodents between your fingers. The experience has to be as positive as possible.

Another way to get our little furry to like us is when he is awake and has eaten, evacuated and is calm in the cage, pick him up and put him quietly on our legs.
Always speak to him in a calm and low voice. It is an animal that needs time to adapt but by treating it with affection, always satisfying its needs and keeping its mind occupied, it will gain confidence and be grateful in its own way.

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