LivingHigh returns on cannabis investments

High returns on cannabis investments

Juicy Fields is a pioneering business model within the reach of large, medium and small investors from all over the world – called e-growers or e-growers in the sector -, whom it links, on a digital platform, with local producers of cannabis and potential buyers, creating lucrative opportunities for all. Its operations are focused on the cannabis sector for exclusively medicinal purposes. It is a growing market with great potential, as it addresses the growing medical needs for problems such as cancer, brain disorders, chronic ailments, and general pain complications, for example.

Why is it interesting to invest in cannabis today? Why is it a good time?

It is always interesting and exciting to be part of an emerging industry with such great growth potential and while cannabis has been around for a long time, the investment opportunity available to everyone is quite new.

We see a trend around the world: more and more countries are becoming receptive to considering the benefits of medical cannabis, which is why we believe the time to join is now, because it is an ever-expanding market.

The way people use cannabis is also changing towards health and care, and this is naturally related to changing attitudes and perceptions.

Since it was seen that it was a market with potential, a couple of years ago, there have been interesting growths, falls, risk of volatility … but investors from all over the world continue to bet on the cannabis opportunity. What is this optimistic outlook based on?

While asset prices fell during the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020, the sector recovered rapidly thereafter, to impressive numbers. There is a steady growth in the use of medical cannabis: country regulations are being relaxed, consumers are gaining key information about the benefits of medical cannabis, and therefore highly receptive to the product. Even though cannabis investments have seen some ups and downs in recent years, 2021 looks hopeful.

Despite everything, the return on investments in Cannabis exceeds that of any stock market in the world. Why

In fact, unlike many industries around the world, cannabis experienced a record year in 2020 with consumption on the rise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We observe a change in perceptions, since cannabis, in general, is more socially accepted and less stigmatized. Also, during the pandemic it has become an attractive option for people who spend more time at home, both as a means of entertainment and to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the health crisis.

As countries regulate the medicinal use of cannabis, the market grows. What is your prognosis on the evolution of medicinal regulation?

According to Market Data Forecast research, the size of the global medical cannabis market could reach $ 13.4 billion in 2020. By 2025, the estimate reaches $ 44.4 billion, with an annual growth rate of 22.9%. for the estimated period.

The North American medical cannabis market dominates the global medical cannabis market. In Europe we expect faster growth as many regions have recently legalized cannabis as a medicine for a wide range of applications. Latin America will also have constant growth and, especially, Mexico has spectacular growth.

This global growth is due, among other reasons, to the increase in establishments, laboratories, medical clinics, hospitals and other related companies.

What could be the effect of more open legislation on the recreational use of cannabis?

Greater openness in legislation on the recreational use of cannabis will be directly related to a greater acceptance of the concept of cannabis in society, which is a step forward in removing the stigma that cannabis and marijuana have always had among the public. in general.

When it comes to medical cannabis and market penetration of the product, educating society is essential. A more widespread positive perception of the product will certainly alleviate consumer attitudes and motivate purchasing behavior, so a greater receptivity around the issue is favorable for market growth.


There are different ways to enter the cannabis investment market (stocks, derivatives) … what is the model proposed by Juicy Fields?

We want to make cannabis accessible so that everyone benefits. Until recently, the cultivation of medicinal cannabis was not easy, due to the number of political barriers in terms of laws and regulations in each country. In addition, until now, to invest in any market, it was usually necessary a huge capital to be able to start operating. This is where Juicy Fields comes in, as a crucial market player to facilitate market accessibility, so that everyone can enter and participate on our platform.

On the other hand, we also want local farmers to still be able to grow it, without the interference of complex policies that act as constraints.

Juicy Fields is a unique opportunity and a genuine way to start growing online, and our goal is to ease the process between growers and buyers. The platform is available to everyone around the world. The process of becoming an “e-grower” is an investment opportunity with great potential and an important social use, such as medicinal cannabis, and both the producer and the buyer are rewarded with the process.


If someone wants to invest with Juicy Fields of Spain, what are the steps to follow and what to expect, in what period of time?

The process does not vary from country to country. Users can purchase their first plant immediately after creating their account. Juicy Fields offers four different varieties of products with different characteristics, such as growing periods, harvest number, and price. Once the buyer has purchased the plants, the profit can be made in 108 days.


In which countries does it operate?

It is a global online platform accessible from anywhere in the world. The corporate headquarters is located in Berlin, and we have offices in Malta, Latin America, South Africa, and we will soon open offices in more locations around the world.

As a global company with an international mentality, we seek to have a presence in different parts of the world, which will undoubtedly help us to understand our potential clients – the local peculiarities and the idiosyncrasies of the countries are very important in these businesses – and to learn from them. different markets, which will naturally propel the company forward and help it grow on a more global scale. For example, we have partners distributed all over the world: in Portugal, Colombia, Denmark, South Africa, among many other countries.


Is the company listed on any index or stock market?

Although we are a young company, we expect Juicy Fields to have a good position in the stock market once we make that leap, due to the growing market demand for medical cannabis.

Development in the medical field and growing research are closely related to the demand for medical cannabis. Factors such as population growth, and the prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, brain disorders … can improve market revenue at an accelerating rate. Medical cannabis has a wide range of applications.

Most investors, medical professionals, major pharmaceutical and biotech companies and their research practices are driving the growth of the medical cannabis market.


What are the assets that support your business?

Juicy Fields has the required legal agreements with producers, partners and investors. Their product is an investment package in “medical cannabis” crops. Both the product and the company have the required responsibility, so potential investors can have a smooth buying experience, partners can operate with peace of mind, and local farmers can sell them to trusted buyers.

The aim of Juicy Fields is to provide a pleasant and uncomplicated experience to all the actors involved in the process, from large to medium and small investors, because they are all looking for an investment opportunity with a good return, but without complications in the process. . We work hard to ensure that each individual, from the first time they enter the process, gets the most satisfying experience and wants to come back again to do more business with us.

The company also has its trademark patent, so the copyright to its business is retained in its entirety.

Taking into account the current legislation on the cultivation and consumption of cannabis in Spain, is it legal to invest in financial products such as those offered by Juicy Fields?

Juicy Fields is a 100% legal company, with a trademark, so investments and businesses can be operated regularly and legally. Using the platform from Spain is no different than using it from any other country, the process remains the same.

One of the potential threats to this type of investment is the so-called “moral hazard”, since the WHO continues to consider cannabis as a drug. What is your company’s response to this risk?

We understand the challenge in terms of company image, but we do not feel threatened by it. Medical cannabis is the product that Juicy Fields is promoting. The end consumer of medical cannabis is, for example, a user who needs a product that can effectively relieve muscle pain, so this use of cannabis is far from being a recreational use.

Do you think that the social mentality is changing towards this type of alternative investment to the traditional one? How do you think it will evolve?

Yes a lot! The mindset is shifting towards cannabis in general around the world and people are seeing the enormous opportunities it brings. We have always had a mission to make medical cannabis free so that everyone benefits, and that the market does not become a monopoly.

The more people who become receptive to cannabis in general, the more people will see the enormous profit opportunities that medical cannabis offers.

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