FunNature & AnimalHow to choose a jack russell puppy

How to choose a jack russell puppy

Jack Russells are energetic, fun and loving dogs. However, if you want to educate him properly, you will have to dedicate a lot of time and training to him. These dogs are very strong and temperamental, so they need an experienced person to manage their behavior and prevent them from becoming aggressive. Therefore, if you are thinking of adopting a puppy of this breed you should make sure that you can provide all the necessary care. Remember that a pet is a great responsibility!

Know their personality

Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent and energetic, so they need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. For this reason, it is not the most suitable breed for those who live in a small apartment or for those who spend long periods of time outside. Also, this breed needs a lot of training. Your puppy will require training from the beginning, especially to learn basic obedience techniques.

These dogs also tend to have a predatory instinct, so they won’t get along very well with other small pets like cats or rabbits. If you live with other animals, maybe you should consider another breed. Also, these dogs get along well with children as long as they treat them properly, since they usually do not have much patience.

Look for an active and lively puppy

A Jack Russell puppy should be active and playful, but not aggressive. When you go to visit the puppies, look for one that seems happy and energetic but does not disturb his littermates. If the puppy is weak in appearance or walks very slowly, he may be unhealthy or have behavior problems.

Also, if your puppy won’t come close to you, even when you call or speak sweetly, he may not be the one for you.

Look closely at your body

The puppy must have a muscular, athletic and agile body, since this breed was originally bred for hunting foxes. Also, your front legs will need to be straight and your joints aligned. You will also have to check that his back is straight and that his loin is short and well muscled.

If its coat is dry, does not walk properly, or is excessively thin, the puppy could have a medical problem.

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