FunNature & AnimalHow to feed a Senegalese parrot

How to feed a Senegalese parrot

If you are a lover of parrots and have recently adopted a Senegalese parrot, you will know that feeding is an essential part of their care. Unlike other smaller and easier-to-care birds, these parrots need a balanced diet in which vegetables, fruits and granulated foods are not lacking. Of course, you will also have to offer seeds and snacks, although in a more moderate way. In addition, you should put fresh and clean water on it daily. Take note of the recommendations!

Choose your food well

Feed should be your main source of food. You should look closely at the feed label, as some granules are specific for parrots over three years old or birds of a certain weight. In addition, the feed that parrots eat is made up of cereals, seeds, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils, in addition to a large amount of vitamins and minerals selected for the animal’s health.

In addition, with the parrot feed, the possibility of selecting the food disappears, so you can make sure that your bird is consuming all the ingredients in the same proportion. There are different brands of food for parrots, as well as different sizes, colors and shapes. The colored feed is more attractive, however, in this way your bird could select the food and choose only the pellets that are to its liking.

Offer fruits, vegetables, and seeds

Fruits and vegetables are essential in feeding birds. In addition, you will need to wash it and cut it into small pieces before feeding it to your parrot. Some of the favorite fruits and vegetables of Senegalese parrots are apples, cherries (pitted), strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, oranges, or bananas.

You can also offer your bird seeds from time to time, although these should not account for more than 5% of their caloric intake. Senegal parrots eat a wide variety of seeds, although they prefer sunflower seeds because they are high in fat. Therefore, it is essential that they do not consume them on a daily basis.

Remember that, like people, parrots get tired of always eating the same thing, so you will have to vary their diet.

Beware of forbidden foods

Caffeine causes a parrot’s heart rate to increase, and alcohol can cause poisoning even in small amounts. On the other hand, chocolate can lead to heart problems, seizures, and liver damage.

Other foods that are harmful to parrots are avocados, shellfish, dairy, mushrooms, and tomato leaves. Great care!

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