LivingTravelHow to get from Stockholm to Gothenburg

How to get from Stockholm to Gothenburg

From Stockholm to Gothenburg / Gothenburg, the distance is not too great and the transport options are many. Travelers in Sweden often want to combine visits to both cities, which is a great idea if you have the time. But how do you get from one city to another? Let’s find out which transport option suits you best when it comes to traveling from Stockholm to Gothenburg (or back).

Stockholm to Gothenburg by train

Quick, convenient, and easy to book, the train ride from Stockholm to Gothenburg takes about 3.5 hours and can be quite scenic.

Riding the train from Stockholm to Gothenburg is a popular and reasonably priced option, starting at around 458 SEK ($ 53) for a one-way ticket on certain days of the week via The cheapest prices are available if you buy tickets in advance before arriving in Stockholm or Gothenburg.

Tip : also offers additional discounts to travelers 25 and under and 60 and over, and groups of two to five, along with instant e-tickets and free reservations.

Stockholm to Gothenburg by air

You can fly from Stockholm Arlanda Airport to Gothenburg Landvetter Airport starting at around SEK 547 ($ 62) one-way for a direct SAS flight. You can also fly to Gothenburg Landvetter from Stockholm Bromma Airport, which starts at roughly the same price:

  • Compare flights from Stockholm to Gothenburg
  • Compare flights from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Naturally, the prices of flights between Stockholm and Gothenburg depend on factors such as the time of year. The advantage of traveling between these cities by plane is a fast flight time of only 55 minutes. However, budget travelers may want to explore other options.

Stockholm to Gothenburg by car

The 470-kilometer (292-mile) journey will take approximately five hours to get from Stockholm to Gothenburg. From Stockholm, take the E4 to Jönköping and turn west on Highway 40 towards Gothenburg. From Gothenburg, take route 40 towards Jönköping and take the E4 towards Stockholm.

An alternative route between the cities of Stockholm and Gothenburg is to take E20 to E18. This takes you further north, increasing your trip to 485 kilometers (301 miles), about a 5.5 hour drive.

Stockholm to Gothenburg by bus

There are several daily buses, such as Swebus Express, that operate between Stockholm and Gothenburg. At 200 SEK ($ 23) one way, taking the bus is a cheap option if you have the time. The bus between Stockholm and Gothenburg takes about seven hours.

In Gothenburg, you will find the long-distance bus terminal (Terminal Nils Ericson) just behind the train station. In Stockholm, head to the Swebus Express at the City Terminal (Cityterminalen).

Stockholm to Gothenburg by ferry

If you don’t mind taking a full week of your trip to get from one city to another, you can take a cruise from Stockholm to Gothenburg along the Göta Canal. The price per person can be more than $ 1,000, so unless you have a lot of time and a big budget, consider the other transportation options mentioned instead of taking a ferry.

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