FunNature & AnimalHow to give a dog a massage and its...

How to give a dog a massage and its many benefits

Perhaps at first it sounds strange to you that giving a dog a massage, something bizarre and absurd. After reading this article you may think differently and that is that a simple relaxing massage can work wonders for your dog . You will see!

How to give the hairy massage

Before starting the massage, make sure that the dog is calm and so are you (or you will convey your concern to him). If he is not quite calm, give him a good walk first. Choose a calm area to give the massage, lie on a comfortable surface and remove rings, watch, bracelet and any accessories that could interfere with the massage. You will also have to remove the harness and / or collar that he is wearing.

To begin, begin by gently stroking the pet all over the body, from head to tail and down the hair . It is important that the movements are long and that contact with the animal is not lost . Make sure you are not applying too much pressure, that you are not hurting him.

It begins with the head, continues through the neck and continues along the trunk, goes down the right side, the left, in a smooth way, so that you do not get nervous. Next, massage her hips, near the base of the tail. In case your dog is older and more if he is large, and has problems in this area, you must be very careful, as you could harm him. Now, we will place the open hand on the sacrum (just at the end of the spine) and we will make circles with it in the opposite direction of the needles of the clock.

It is time to move to the front legs, sliding the hands along these, also from the inside to the outside of the chest. On the hind legs we will do the same operation, also massaging the inner face. We will finish by gently flexing his hind limbs a couple of times.

If during the massage we notice an overloaded area, we can massage it with the fingertips of the hands, describing circular movements, like kneading with the fingers. We will finish the massage with a superficial but long caress from the head to the end of the loin.

1. Reduction of stress and anxiety

As you know, dogs can also suffer from stress and anxiety. It is not uncommon for them to be overwhelmed with loud noises such as firecrackers or thunder, that they do not cope well with the loss of a loved one, that they cry non-stop and destroy things at home every time their human goes to work (anxiety about separation), etc. Regardless of the reason for the discomfort, a massage will relieve the tension in your body to the point of relaxing it so much that you forget about your worries.

2. Helps in the healing process

Only if the vet gives the go-ahead , massaging the dog could help with rehabilitation, reduce joint pain, swelling, help heal strains and sprains more quickly, and keep scar tissue to a minimum.

3. Improves body functions

Giving the furry a massage can increase blood circulation , lower blood pressure, improve the lymphatic system, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, stimulate the kidneys and liver and, by relaxing, encourage deeper breathing.

4. Promotes general well-being

Your dog will experience exactly what you feel when you are given a good massage, that is, it will feel renewed, balanced and revitalized .

5. Strengthen your relationship

The first time you give your pet a relaxing massage, logically he will not know what it is, but when he becomes familiar with the practice, know how good it feels and associate it with you, that you are the one who gives it … He will love you infinite !

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