LivingHow to Help Your Hair (Too) Bloom in Spring

How to Help Your Hair (Too) Bloom in Spring

From the slight “thinning” to the most notorious alopecia, the different degrees of hair loss have their causes and, knowing them, you can start your prevention plan or possible treatments.

If you’re noticing something these days, it’s probably your typical spring fall, also called “seasonal effluvium.” It could also be that you are going through a time of hormonal alteration (you know how the arrival of good weather alters us), that you are going through a stressful situation or that you have lost weight and gained fatigue … Any of these contingencies affect your hair.

And we must not forget other causes that we find difficult to counteract, such as genetic inheritance or the simple passage of time and its famous “within a hundred years …”.

If you have decided to give up, you can stop reading here. But if you rebel against those who have thrown in the towel, and want to continue wearing hair for many springs, the Phyto laboratory, after decades of research on plants with scientific equipment, proposes a complete plan to nourish and strengthen your hair with two actions simple … and, yes, a certain constancy.

In reality, your hair constantly goes through two phases – anagen or growth, for about 2 to 6 years, and telogen, or fall, for the next 2 or 3 months – and since not all hairs go in unison, they has calculated that up to 80% of your strands are growing at the same time, from a state of “fuzz” to that unruly and very long hair that you detect in the mirror.

For different reasons, spring (like autumn) accelerates the phases and processes, yes, but both at the same time: that is, more hair falls out, and more hair is born again and grows.

Now, if what you want is to take advantage of the “flowering” moment to strengthen the new hair, keep these tips in mind, depending on your case.


Chute of vitamins and minerals

You already know that the spring effluvium – which affects both men and women (it is much more noticeable in medium and long hair) – does not lead to baldness, because it occurs only during the months of the season. Now, it is a great time to help your hair gain strength for the whole year.

Take advantage of the moment when nature gives us her gifts to strengthen your hair from within. In this way, each hair that is born in these months (and there will be many, because, as we have seen, the natural process accelerates during spring), it will do so in the best conditions and will grow with the ability to make better use of the sun’s energy. and the beach.

You can start with the Phytophanere capsules, which provide high concentrations of active plant molecules, such as vitamins C and E – powerful antioxidants, involved in the preservation of the hair bulb -, borage oil – which ensures a balanced supply of essential fatty acids and fatty acids. unsaturated–, zinc and other natural extracts.

In addition, good weather allows you to support the regeneration of your hair by helping it with a gentle and fortifying wash that removes dead cells and aerates the growing hairs.

The use of Phytophanere shampoo, formulated with an ultra-gentle washing base, extracts of ginkgo and rice bran along with an extract of quinine, as well as vitamins –B5 and B6– and minerals such as zinc, will take care of your hair in each wash.

Suddenly, you see that the shower is full of hair, your brush drags entire strands or, in the most striking cases, if you pull the hair you will have a good amount of strands in your hand. Surely you have had a dislike, a bad drink, an excessive effort … and emotional exhaustion makes the hair thin and have less grip on the scalp. Don’t worry too much, because it is usually temporary. Of course, take care, as soon as possible, to nurture it from the inside and pamper it from the outside … and try not to distress yourself to also promote emotional recovery.

The combined action of the fortifying shampoo and the Phytophanere nourishing capsules is an attack strategy that you can maintain, without problems, as long as your hair returns to what it was.

To make spring also shine in your hair, Phyto offers you all the plant power in its Phytophanere range, so that the active principles of the plants contribute to your health and that of your hair.

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