FunNature & AnimalHow to Make Cat and Dog a Good Relationship...

How to Make Cat and Dog a Good Relationship – Switching Rooms

We all know the popular belief that cats and dogs get along fatally, but this doesn’t really have to be the case if we lay the foundations for a good relationship between the two. Do you want to have a puppy but are afraid that your feline does not feel good? Do not worry because coexistence is possible if you follow a series of guidelines to get them together at home.

Both the dog and the cat are quite territorial animals so to start with the methods that will help them adapt to each other, you will have to be patient and understand what each one needs so that, progressively, your home brims with peace and tranquility.

The key to all of this is in the presentation. It is important that the house has space because initially you will need to keep the two pets separate. From Muy Pets we recommend putting both animals in different rooms during the first days. It is important that the dog obey basic commands to facilitate the first encounter. If they are not paying attention to you, you will have to reinforce their training but do not allow the first time they see each other to become chaos due to an aggressive or nervous dog. If you have a puppy, it will be the perfect time to start basic training.

It is a big mistake to want to introduce them on the first day because that will cause the dog to want to chase the feline around the house either to play or because he wants to attack him. The reason that pets are in different rooms for about three days is so that little by little they get to know their smells and knowing that there is someone new in the home.

Do not try to force them because, for example, the character of cats leads them to become aggressive if they are in a place where they do not want to be. Be patient and go petting one in a room, then go out, pet the other and vice versa. Repeat this action until you notice that your furry animals are calm even mixing their scents.

If you want to know what steps you should follow to meet a dog and cat face to face, you just have to keep reading because here are 15 very interesting tips that you need to know.

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