FunNature & AnimalHow to prepare the arrival of the adopted dog...

How to prepare the arrival of the adopted dog at home

Lack of planning when bringing a new animal home can easily lead to frustrating emotions. This occurs when expectations of the adopter are not met.

Good intentions are not enough

The majority of future adopters who go to animal protection centers do so motivated by the desire to incorporate an animal into the family and aware that adoption is a more responsible option.

Giving an abandoned animal a second chance is an act that goes beyond kindness. It is an act of social responsibility in the face of a serious social problem, such as animal abandonment.

The questionnaire and expectations

A basic requirement that adopters must go through is a questionnaire-interview. This is used to assess whether your lifestyle and expectations are really compatible with the adoption of the desired animal.

In addition to, if necessary, reorienting their decision towards the type of animal that best suits their routines.

Paper holds it all

The paper questionnaire may be supported by the good intentions of the family, but unfortunately, adopted dogs are also returned and abandoned.

The stress of change

Every time a dog or cat is relocated to a new home, a minimum acclimatization period of one month is necessary.

From this moment, we can begin to assess the true character of the animal and train it for its new life.

Prior to this period, the requirements should not focus on the animal but on the adopting family.

What to ask myself before deciding to adopt?

  • Know the species we are adopting. What is a dog, what is its nature and its language.
  • Be aware of their needs depending on the breed/variety and their age.
  • Reflect on our real capacity to effectively cover such needs. Not only in the present, but also in the future.
  • Calculate the cost in euros of having a dog, and confirm our ability to supply it.
  • Calculate the cost in time of having an animal and confirm our ability to supply it.

meet the animal

Only the unconscious get married on the second date.

Collaborating with the animal protection center with the care of your possible life partner, for a certain time, will be of great help when making the final decision.

Enduring a few more weeks in the shelter is much more pleasant than facing another abandonment.

Considerations for moving home

Security : the handling and transfer elements must be safe and in perfect condition. The dog may not wear a harness that is likely to come off by accident or a leash in poor condition. An escape in an unknown environment can end in tragedy.

Patience – The behavior your dog displays in his first few days and weeks may be far removed from his true self. This is due to the stress resulting from the change itself. Watch him patiently.

Anticipate: before the dog arrives, you must have prepared the environment. This involves removing from your reach anything that could be a danger and clearing your reach of valuables. Plan a progressive conquest of space, depending on how its adaptation and behavior develops.

Once at home

Let him know his physical environment : When you get home, the best thing you can do is sit down to read or do your homework and let the dog explore at his own pace.

If you also want them to have a good first contact with the room, place prizes in the corners.

Let him know his social environment: although the whole family is very excited to meet your new dog and introduce him to all the other dogs in the park…Not all dogs are super sociable. The best thing you can do is go slowly in the introductions and not create environments that are too exciting.

Little by little get him used to what his life will be : introduce him to what his life will be with you. The first positive contacts with the vet, the hairdresser, the tapas bar downstairs and all the experiences that little by little you are going to share with your dog will be of the utmost importance.

Train him in a fun way: training your dog can be a useful tool in your day to day life, and I recommend doing it through positive reinforcement, once he has finished his acclimatization and you have started your bond.

And my most important advice: enjoy your new partner and never leave him .


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