FunNature & AnimalLooking for dogs for adoption or buying one?

Looking for dogs for adoption or buying one?

To be honest, we all have a breed of dog or two when asked about our favorite, even when we are very sure we want a mongrel, it always comes close to one or another type of dog that we like. When we are sure that we want to enlarge our family with a furry one, many must consider whether to take home any of the dogs for adoption from the association they know or whether to succumb to the desire to have that preferred breed.

You choose dogs for adoption or for sale, they will have to be compatible with you

When we opt for one race over others, we will be defining our aesthetic tastes , also our way of being and the “personality” of the beings with whom we like to live. But, no matter how defined the characteristics of a breed are, it will not completely guarantee that the animal is the way we want it . Not all Labradors are very affectionate and not all Rottweilers are confident.

In fact, in the way of being of an adult dog, apart from its origin, its own characteristics, the circumstances in which it lives and the education that it has been given, intervenes. With mestizos this mix is accentuated because each one is unique, they do not resemble another animal and, if anything, it is the mixture of the ways of being of two races, of three, of four … Mestizos are not just any dogs , they are unrepeatable beings!

Therefore, in both “teams” there will be animals compatible with you, we just have to look closely at each specimen and assess its characteristics to make the decision.

A decision that we ask of you, comes after having visited at least one protector. Animal shelters can be as beautiful as pedigrees and volunteers know their way of being to tell you what you can become your best friend.

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