LivingLucia and Hugo, the names most chosen by Spaniards...

Lucia and Hugo, the names most chosen by Spaniards for their babies

As every year, the INE (National Institute of Statistics) has released the most frequent boy and girl names in Spain in 2015 and there have been no major surprises compared to previous years: the names most chosen by Spaniards for their babies they are Lucia and Hugo .

In 2015, 5,229 Lucías and 5,162 Hugos were born. Lucia maintains the reign as a favorite name for girls since 2003, while Hugo has led the list of boys since 2013 when he ousted Daniel , now in second place. The second place in names for girls is occupied by María , a classic that does not go out of style.

Some traditional names that have accompanied us during the last decade remain, such as Pablo or Paula, but they coexist with others that are emerging such as Martina, Adrián, Lucas and Alba.

By Autonomous Communities

If we talk about them, while Lucía is the national favorite, María is the favorite for parents in Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia and Murcia. While in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands it is Martina , Noa in Galicia, Ane in the Basque Country and Sara and Amira in Ceuta and Melilla.

As for children, Aimar, Markel or Iker are the favorites in the Basque Country, in the Balearic Islands Marc and Pau , in Catalonia, Marc, Alex, Pol . Martín in Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria; Alejandro in Andalusia.

The 10 most frequent boy names:

  • Hugo : of German origin whose meaning is “man of great spirit” or “One with Clear Intelligence.”
  • Daniel : of Hebrew origin danyyel, it means “God is my judge”. It is a very popular name in much of the world.
  • Pablo : of Latin origin “Paulus” which means “The minor”. Hugo: of German origin whose meaning is “man of great spirit” or “One with Clear Intelligence.”
  • Martín : from the Latin “Martis”, which means “Mars”.
  • Alejandro : Spanish name of Greek origin “Aléxandros”, which means “He who protects or forcibly separates man” or “The protector”.
  • Adrián : name of Latin origin “hadrianus” that refers to the natural Roman family of Hadria (close to the Adriatic Sea). Its meaning is “He who comes from the sea” or “He who is close to the Adriatic Sea.”
  • Álvaro : name of Germanic origin, derived from “alwar”, which means “He who is forewarned” or “He who is the defender of all”.
  • David : of Hebrew origin that means “He who is loved.”
  • Lucas : Spanish name from the Greek “loukas”, which means “luminous, the one that shines.
  • Mario : of Hebrew origin. Male variant of Mary, the chosen one, the one loved by God.

The 10 most frequent girl names:

  • Lucia : of Latin origin “lux”, its meaning is “She who bears the light” or “She who is born from the light”, in reference to girls who are born at dawn.
  • Mary : of Hebrew origin “maryam”, its meaning is “the chosen one”, “the one loved by God”.
  • Martina : feminine form of Martín, of Latin origin and means “consecrated or related to the god Mars”.
  • Paula : Latin origin “Paulus” and variant of Paola. It means “The minor”, “The little one” or “That one of small size”.
  • Sofia : of Greek origin and its meaning is “wisdom” or “the one who possesses wisdom”.
  • Daniela : of Hebrew origin, whose meaning is “She that God is her judge” or “Justice of God”.
  • Alba : of Latin origin, and means “Aurora”, “Dawn”, “white and shining”, “that which was born with the first light of dawn”.
  • Julia : of Latin origin “Iulus” / “Iulia”, name with which the members of the Roman family Julia were identified. It means “consecrated to Jupiter”.
  • Carla : of Germanic origin, its meaning is “powerful”, “the one that is strong”.
  • Sara : of Hebrew origin and its meaning is “Princess”, “lady”, “sovereign”.

More girl names

  • The girl names that will be a trend in 2017
  • Looking for a name for your baby? 101 girl names to inspire you
  • Female baby names: Egyptian goddesses and queens
  • Female baby names: Egyptian origin
  • Female baby names: Old Testament characters (I)
  • Female baby names: characters from the Old Testament (II)
  • Female baby names: Old Testament characters (III)
  • Female baby names: Old Testament characters (IV)
  • Female Baby Names: Old Testament Characters (V)
  • Baby names: mythological heroines
  • Baby names: mythological heroines (II)
  • Baby names: mythological heroines (III)

More boy names

  • 101 boy names to inspire you
  • 51 Italian names for your baby that will make you fall in love
  • Male baby names: Egyptian origin
  • Male baby names: Egyptian gods and pharaohs
  • Baby names: meaning and curiosities about names
  • Baby names: names of heroes from Greek mythology
  • Baby names: heroes of Greek mythology (II)
  • Baby Names: Bible Characters
  • Baby names in some Latin American countries
  • Boy names that have been a trend in 2015

Photos | iStock Via | INE (National Institute of Statistics)

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