LivingMost babies born to COVID-19 infected mothers are doing...

Most babies born to COVID-19 infected mothers are doing well with few adverse outcomes

The issue of the Coronavirus causes us all to have many fears, and these are even greater when we have children, because we care a lot about their health. In the case of those who have had or will have a baby during the pandemic, the concern of becoming infected and infecting the baby is even greater.

However, a recent study shows that overall, most babies born to mothers with Covid-19 are doing well in the weeks after delivery.

The results of the study conducted by researchers at the University of San Francisco in the United States are encouraging, as their research suggests that babies born to mothers infected with the virus generally do well six to eight weeks after birth.

In addition to following the babies for up to two months after delivery, comparing their results with babies of mothers who tested negative for the coronavirus, they found that adverse outcomes, including preterm birth and respiratory illnesses, did not differ .

The only negative aspect of the study that could be considered is that there was a higher rate of admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) if the mothers had COVID-19 up to two weeks before delivery.

Although previous studies have reported that pregnant women who have tested positive for coronavirus are more likely to have premature birth or need intensive care, this study shows that in the case of babies, the results are mostly reassuring .

This study is part of a project called Priority, which began in March, designed to follow up pregnant women with suspicions or confirmation of having Covid-19, and whose objective is to better understand how pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum are affected by the coronavirus .

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