LivingNeither face shields nor masks in babies: pediatricians warn...

Neither face shields nor masks in babies: pediatricians warn of the serious risk of suffocation they can cause

Giving birth in times of coronavirus is not easy. Added to the uncertainty caused by the health situation is the fear that the newborn could be infected with this disease, which can lead some parents to do anything to protect their health, some as dangerous as putting masks on them after a few months or placing them facial displays, as we have seen in some Asian countries.

But pediatricians warn of the serious risk that the use of these types of items can have for the baby . The best protection is continuous hand hygiene when we are with our newborn, as well as avoiding social gatherings. If we are the ones who are going to visit a baby, it is important to keep a safe distance, wear a mask and not kiss, touch or hold them.

Mini face screens for babies, a good idea?

Face shields emerged as a complement to masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We have seen it especially in doctors and health personnel, although on occasion I have also come across people on the street equipped with this type of screens.

A few months ago we heard the news that a hospital in Thailand, located in the province of Samutprakarn, had manufactured mini face shields to protect newborns . We also learned that another hospital in Bangkok had used the same device, albeit only occasionally and for short periods of time.


We do not know if the use of face shields for babies has spread to other hospitals in Thailand or even to other countries, but the health authorities have wanted to raise the alarm: face shields such as masks or screens are prohibited in newborns due to the high risk of suffocation that they carry.

The Philippine Society of Pediatrics (PPS) and the Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine (PSNbM) issued a joint statement a few months ago warning of the risks of sudden infant death and suffocation that facial screens can carry in babies, in addition to interfere with breastfeeding:

“The use of any means of facial protection in newborns is prohibited due to the high risk of suffocation, lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide retention. There is also a risk that the screen will move out of place and can cause strangulation and syndrome of sudden infant death “

“In addition, putting on and taking off the face shield can be uncomfortable for the mother when breastfeeding her baby, which can cause a drop in the frequency of feedings” – reads the statement.

For its part, the Centers for Disease Control of the United States (CDC) recently updated its recommendations on the use of masks and face shields.

As we read, cloth masks are not recommended for children under two years of age, and with respect to plastic face shields, they state that there is not enough evidence to support their effectiveness, so they do not recommend their use in the general population in replacement to masks. In addition, in no case should the screens be used on newborns and babies .

Protect your baby without putting him at risk

Any virus or bacteria is a great threat to a newborn baby, especially when he has not yet received the first vaccinations. But especially now, in times of coronavirus, it is vital to protect the baby from possible infections .

Although studies have shown that, in general, newborns experience milder symptoms of the disease and the risk of complications in children is lower, the truth is that babies are also infected. In addition, we must not forget that very serious cases have been reported (some children developed Pediatric Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome) and unfortunately babies have died due to Covid-19, although they have been very exceptional cases.

Protection is key at this time, but without putting the baby’s health at risk . In this sense, in addition to the prohibition of using plastic face shields as we have just seen, pediatricians also remind us that the use of masks in babies and children under two years of age is prohibited due to the risk of suffocation.

Another important aspect to remember -especially now in summer- is the risk involved in covering the baby’s stroller with a sheet or towel to avoid both the sun and other people can approach. This practice prevents air circulation inside the stroller, so the baby could suffer a heat stroke with serious consequences for their health.

The best way to protect your baby is by limiting contact with other people, and in the case of attending social gatherings, avoid being held, touched or kissed by others. The safe distance, the use of masks and the hygiene of hands is key.

Also at home it is essential to take care of hand hygiene before handling the baby or touching objects that can be put in the mouth (pacifiers, bottles, toys …), as well as covering our mouth with the elbow or a disposable paper if we sneeze or we cough, something that on the other hand, we should always do and not only in these moments of COVID.

In the case of mothers with suspected COVID or confirmed contagion , pediatricians recommend:

  • Maintain breastfeeding whenever possible
  • Wearing a surgical mask while breastfeeding
  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel, especially before touching the baby
  • Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing with a disposable tissue, throw it away immediately, and practice proper hand hygiene again
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly

Via | Smart Parenting

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