LivingPediatricians remember the importance of breastfeeding, even if the...

Pediatricians remember the importance of breastfeeding, even if the mother has Covid

No one doubts the important benefits of breastfeeding. Among others, it protects the baby from common diseases in the short and long term, as well as reducing the mother’s risk of cancer and other ailments.

For this reason, both the WHO and UNICEF recommend breastfeeding the newborn in the first hour after delivery and opt for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and the continuation until two years of age or more. with the addition of complementary foods after six months.

However, the pediatricians of the Nutrition and Breastfeeding Committee (CNYLM) of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) warn that breastfeeding has been reduced in recent times by the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week, AEP pediatricians recall the convenience of continuing to breastfeed, even in case of maternal Covid infection , maintaining the usual safety measures or by pumping, a statement shared by various organizations and scientific associations, including the Spanish Society of Neonatology.

Breast pump, if your doctor recommends it

Dr. Susana Ares Segura, coordinator of the Breastfeeding area of the Nutrition and Breastfeeding Committee of the AEP, assures that “direct breastfeeding is possible while maintaining the usual infection control measures” , such as hand hygiene and use mask. Although he adds that you can choose to use a breast pump:

“If the mother so wishes or the clinical situation advises it, she can choose to express her milk and then have a healthy caregiver offer it to the baby, by means of a cup, spoon or bottle”.

If the woman suffers from the coronavirus disease or if she has been in close contact, she must temporarily suspend the donation of breast milk, although she can resume it without problem after the quarantine.

The Covid-19 vaccine is safe in breastfeeding

Another of the doubts that arise among nursing mothers has to do with the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine for the baby who is breastfed.

From the AEP they explain that there is little evidence on the subject, since breastfeeding mothers have not intervened in clinical trials prior to their approval, but they clarify that the general administration of vaccines in nursing mothers is safe for the mother herself, breastfeeding and the infant , except for immunization with live attenuated viruses, as in the case of yellow fever.

Dr. María José Párraga Quiles, member of the Breastfeeding area of the CNYLM of the AEP, recalls that “the vaccines authorized in Spain against COVID-19 are based on messenger RNA or on viral vectors. None of them contain live viruses, so they lack infective capacity ”.

“The vaccine against COVID-19 is not contraindicated in breastfeeding, and is also compatible with donation.”

“Suspending breastfeeding to administer the vaccine is not only not justified, but also puts the health of the mother and the infant at risk.”

Hence, the WHO, the Ministry of Health and the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the AEP do not advise against its use in nursing mothers , especially in those in risk groups.

In their statement, the pediatricians also go a little further in the humanization of the care of babies in hospitals , and also ask that the Neonatal Units be reopened 24 hours a day and that the practice of the Kangaroo Mother method be normalized.

Via | Spanish Association of Pediatrics

Photos | iStock

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