EntertainmentMovies & TV'Raphael', the documentary series that Movistar + is filming...

'Raphael', the documentary series that Movistar + is filming about the singer

Raphael’s fans are in luck: not only the singer has just turned 78, but Movistar + has also started filming a documentary series about his life in March. Miguel Rafael Martos Sánchez, better known as Raphael, was born in Linares in 1943 and has become a living legend of music. More than 60 years of musical career in which he has triumphed all over the world from Spain to Latin America, passing through Russia. The project will try to reflect the life and musical career of the singer. The creators of the series about Raphael will try to reflect his successes, secrets, fears and dreams. The series will feature unpublished audiovisual material, which makes it the first and only documentary with the direct involvement of Raphael himself and his family. Raphael An ambitious project The Raphael series is going to be a great project created and directed by Charlie Arnaiz and Alberto Ortega of Dadá Films & Entertainment, nominated for Goya for Anatomy of a Dandy (2020). An original Movistar + documentary series in collaboration with Dadá Films & Entertainment and Universal Music Spain that has been shot in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Linares (Jaén), Mexico, Miami and Los Angeles. «When someone faces a project of this size vertigo is inevitable. You rarely find an active artist who has been on stages around the world for six decades. What is the enigma for you to have achieved it? What is the force that has pushed you all these years to remain among the number one?With the respect that the myth deserves, we embark on this path along the path of man, that reflective Rafael Martos who looks to the past, remembers who he is and continues to add chapters to his incredible story “, affirm Charlie Arnaiz and Alberto Ortega, creators and directors of this Documentary series The documentary series is fortunate to have the involvement of the singer himself. In addition, its creators have had access to a huge unpublished photographic and audiovisual archive, donated by the family itself. His wife, Natalia Figueroa, and their three children, Jacobo, Alejandra and Manuel Martos, will also participate in the documentary series, who will contribute a much more intimate and human vision of the singer. Social networks RAPHAEL Raphael’s reaction The singer released the news this morning on his social networks and received numerous congratulations from artists, journalists and followers. “Being able to relive the most important professional and personal moments is being a gift … and always, always, accompanied by you: the respectable, my audience that I adore,” explained the artist. “I told you that this was going to be a year of surprises and so it will be … I think you are going to like this especially,” he added excitedly. We can only wait for Movistar + to announce when the premiere of this promising documentary series will take place.

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