FunNature & AnimalRules for removing the dog during quarantine

Rules for removing the dog during quarantine

Taking the dog out on the street is one of the exceptions to the mobility restrictions imposed after the state of alarm to face the expansion of the new coronavirus. That it is an exception does not give dog owners carte blanche to walk in the same way that they did before. There are limitations and violating them, in addition to being little responsible, can be a good hit to the economy of the month ( the fines range from 100 to 30,000 euros. If what you have done is considered very serious, the penalty can reach 60,000 euros ).

And what are the rules that we must comply with when we go out with our dog to the street?

The General Directorate of Animal Rights in coordination with the Ministry of Health and local administrations gives the following recommendations:

  • Take short walks, the time necessary to meet the physiological needs of the animal.
  • Avoid contact with other animals and / or people.
  • Bring a bottle of water with detergent to clean the urine and bags for the stool.
  • Prioritize less busy schedules.

Although the meters or the maximum time that should not be exceeded is not specified with exactitude, it appeals to citizen responsibility, to be close to home and that as soon as the animal relieves itself, it returns home.

Like the other movements that are allowed within the quarantine by COVID-19, with exceptions, only one person may walk the dog.

What if I test positive for coronavirus?

The General Directorate of Animal Rights recommends, first of all, that the care of the animal be left to another person and that new utensils be used (feeder, drinker, leash, etc.), never those that the animal had when it was with the infected person. If this material cannot be replaced, it must be washed and disinfected.

If it is not possible to entrust the care of the pet to another person, it is recommended that the infected person make sure to clean their hands regularly, wear a mask in the presence of the animal and avoid physical contact as much as possible.

Although there is no scientific evidence that domestic animals suffer from or transmit the new coronavirus, the General Directorate of Animal Rights recommends washing your hands after touching the animal and not touching the eyes, nose or mouth.

In addition, for prevention, you can clean the pads and the tail of the dog with disinfectant gel when returning home from the walk .

Fines for those who break the rules

Skipping the rules imposed in the state of alarm can be very expensive, and we are not talking only about the risks of contagion, but that you can be fined up to 60,000 euros.

Do not even think about entering a closed space with your dog, such as a park or a small garden area, the joke can cost up to 600 euros.

And if you let your pet get close to another animal or a person, it can be considered a risk or serious damage to the health of the population, so according to the Public Health Law you can receive a penalty of between 30,000 and 60,000 euros, if it is considered very serious risk.

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