LivingTravelSafety tips for visiting Barcelona (and the rest of...

Safety tips for visiting Barcelona (and the rest of Spain)

Everyone has heard horror stories about people being mugged or robbed while on vacation. However, they have generally not followed basic safety tips, leaving themselves as easy targets. Even if you’ve read this kind of advice before, it’s always worth keeping fresh on your mind.

Tips for not standing out as a wealthy tourist

  • Dress appropriately . You don’t need to buy a brand new wardrobe, but it’s best to leave that University of Denver hoodie at home.
  • Try to keep the maps out of sight . If you need to follow a complicated set of instructions, sit at a bar for ten minutes and write them down.
  • Look confident . This goes hand in hand with the previous point. You seem to know where you are going, even if you don’t.
  • Keep your voice low . You can see a tourist from a mile away, for some reason they always speak louder than everyone else. Whatever the reason, speaking out loud makes you stand out.
  • Be careful where you put your valuables. Internal pockets are better than external ones. If you need to store things in the outer pockets, try to keep your hands on them so you can feel where your valuables are.
  • Use the security provisions provided by your hotel. Do you really need to get your camera out? If not, leave it behind.

Known scams used by thieves (particularly in Barcelona)

Scammers work in pairs or groups, so be very careful when approaching them on the street.

Beware of the classic tricks – people are still falling in love with them. These include: asking for a change, asking for directions, someone ‘helping’ you with your bags, and busy tricks like the cup and ball game.

The football movement

Popular in the alleys of Las Ramblas and the Gothic Quarter, this is an attempt to steal your wallet by cunningly invoking the universal bond of soccer. After approaching you with a line about a Barça player, a leg is tucked between yours to show you a movement and the hand reaches your pocket to collect your goods.

Prostitutes tickled

A group of prostitutes is known to hang around Las Ramblas looking for men to tickle. You can laugh at it, but their technique is deadly, and they tickle you fiercely before dissolving with whatever they’ve managed to scoop out of your pockets.

Cut the purse straps

Ladies, be careful. Your bags are in danger. Buy a bag with extra sturdy straps.


If an ATM swallows your card and a man comes along offering a solution for you to phone your mobile phone, tell him to hit it. He wants your pin number.

Tapping on your car window

You have stopped at a traffic light. A boy touches your window and says something. Do not open the window. There is another boy waiting to enter through another window and steal everything he can. In fact, make sure your doors are closed and your windows closed when driving. Especially in the El Born area.

Stealing from bars and restaurants

Do not leave your mobile on the table. Or your bag under the table. Or anything out of sight for an instant. It will stand up the moment you turn your head.

On the beach

Don’t leave your things unattended when you go swimming at the beach. It will disappear. Have someone watch it for you.

Bird mess

“You have a mess of birds on your back,” you hear a strange stranger say. You take off your bag and turn around to take a look. And hey, ready, your bag is gone.

In the subway

There is a growing contingent of thieves posing as tourists and operating in crowded subway cars. So keep your pockets covered, even if the guy next to you in the ‘I Love Barcelona’ shirt seems harmless enough.

Card games in Las Ramblas

No matter how much player you think you are, don’t get dragged around the card tables on Las Ramblas. It is not a fair game with good odds: it is a magic trick involving a cunning hand. Anyone who appears to win just gets in on the act.

What should you do if your money or wallet is stolen?

Spain is a relatively safe country, with quite rare violent street crimes, but you should always be careful around pickpockets, especially in busy and touristy areas. Keep your money in your inside pockets whenever possible, or wear a money belt. Keep one hand on your camera or bag at all times and be careful hanging valuables over the backs of chairs when in a bar or cafeteria.

The most common place in Spain to be robbed is in Barcelona.

Most insurance policies require you to have some type of crime number from the local police if they are going to pay after a robbery. Your embassy in Spain should be able to help you, but it may be easier to go directly to the nearest police station. You should find a cop who speaks at least rudimentary English.

But before contacting the police, your highest priority should be to call your bank to cancel your cards. The “chip and PIN” system is much more widely used than before, but many places do not have it, which means that, in theory, anyone can access your money. Spaniards are quite lax in verifying the signature when someone buys products, although in theory they should always ask for a photo ID when accepting credit cards.

If you lose your travel documentation, it will need to be replaced.

Remember, the number to call is probably on the back of your card, which you just stole, so write it down beforehand. To avoid spending an unnecessary amount of time waiting at your bank (on an expensive international call), you can have a relative in your country cancel your cards for you, but first check if your bank will do this.

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