EntertainmentGames'Shadow of the Colossus' will be reissued at the...

'Shadow of the Colossus' will be reissued at the beginning of the year

Some say that Sony is already preparing the ground for the expected arrival of ‘The Last Guardian’ , others believe that it is simply that the Japanese market is in demand to take on a reissue of the Fumito Ueda game. The fact is that ‘Shadow of the Colossus’ will be reissued at the beginning of the year.

But not everything is rosy and every coin has two sides. It will be reissued but for PlayStation 2 , within the line of cheap games. So considering that PS3 is no longer compatible with PS2 games we don’t quite understand the move.

Perhaps it is a matter of gradually warming up the atmosphere, something like re-accustoming users to the different rhythm that Ueda’s proposals maintain, or it may simply be reissued for its own sake.

What many of us hope is that on the occasion of the launch of ‘The Last Guardian’ and on the occasion, this time, of heating up the atmosphere, an HD version of the first two Team ICO games will be released. Imagine a kind of ‘God of War Collection’ but with ‘ICO’ and ‘Shadow of the Colossus’.

I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to get a pack, what about you?

Via | TeamICOGamers

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