LivingShocking video of a car birth on the way...

Shocking video of a car birth on the way to the hospital on the highway

One of the issues that worries a pregnant woman the most is knowing when is the right time to go to the hospital if you are in labor. Labor takes time and it is very unlikely that it will not arrive on time, but there are stories that leave us impressed like this delivery in the car on the way to the hospital on the highway.

Troy and Erika Campbell, a couple from Whitby, Ontario, were heading to the nearest hospital because she had started experiencing labor contractions from her third baby. They decided that they were going to record the whole process for their YouTube channel and that is why they placed a camera inside the car, but they never imagined that the delivery would happen right there.

At the beginning of the video, they joke about the second name they would give their baby when the contractions start to accelerate: it is already every three and a half minutes , and then they call the midwife from the car.

They still believed they would arrive on time, but just over 10 minutes from the hospital, Erika tells him that it is difficult for her to breathe and that she feels the need to push. We can even hear her screaming “ring of fire”, a burning sensation, a burning sensation, in the entire circumference of the perineum, as it expands with the baby’s head coming out.

Then her husband calls the midwife again, who instructs him to stop and call 911. When the operator is contacted, Erika yells, “I’m having a baby at 407!”

“It all happened so fast”

It is then that they manage to stop the car at a highway exit and the husband runs to assist his wife with the instructions he receives on the phone. “It’s coming out! Tell me what to do please!” , shouts.

A moment later their daughter is born and immediately they place her on the mother’s breast until the moment when she is heard crying for the first time, with great relief for the parents.

Shortly after, an ambulance arrived and took the mother and baby to the hospital, where they found that both are in perfect condition.

The video is really shocking. In just ten minutes of recording, birth occurs, when there are women who have a very long labor that can last for hours and hours.

Two days after this surprise birth, the Campbells and their newborn daughter, Nova Marie, returned home with their other two children.

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