EntertainmentGamesSony retracts and finally won't close PlayStation Store on...

Sony retracts and finally won't close PlayStation Store on PS3 or PS Vita

Sony just left us with fantastic news after announcing that it has decided to back down with its decision to close the PlayStation Store on PS3 and PS Vita . At first, the intention of the company was to close the digital store in summer on both platforms, which would make it impossible to acquire any digital video game from then on.

However, after carefully analyzing the situation, Sony acknowledges that it has made a mistake in making that decision and therefore the PlayStation Store will remain open on PS3 and PS Vita, but that will not be the case with PSP , so everything on the laptop It will continue as planned and the store will no longer be accessible from July 2 .

In the statement issued by Sony, he acknowledges having realized the passion of users for keeping the PlayStation Store open and continuing to offer the possibility of buying classic titles , which in turn will be a way to keep that part of their history alive while continuing to create. new worlds and experiences for PS4 and PS5.

We remember that the list of video games that were going to disappear forever after the closure of the PlayStation Store was recently released. Naturally the number has dropped considerably after this last minute change, but those belonging to the PSP catalog will not be spared from burning.

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The increase will also apply to the Mexican market, where the cost of the console will rise by 1,000 pesos.

Exclusive video games on PS or Xbox are a thing of the past

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No what no? Death Stranding will come to PC Game Pass

Hideo Kojima's game was released exclusively on PlayStation 4, but now more people can enjoy it through their Game Pass subscription.
