LivingTravelTap water safety in South America

Tap water safety in South America

One of the most common causes of illness for travelers is exposure to contaminated food and water. And one of the easiest ways for these bacteria and parasites to enter your body? Through contaminated local tap water. The last thing you want is a bout of stomach cramps to ruin your trip, so this article will look at tap water in South America and tell you which countries it is safe to drink in.

We cannot cover every city in every country, so if in doubt, ask a local if the water is safe to drink. Take a look at what they are doing too – are they buying bottled water or drinking from the taps? And a little quick googling for a specific city will go a long way. Sometimes the locals can stomach water that your body is not used to, so it is advisable to use caution.

If you are in a country that does not have clean tap water, you can buy bottled water or take a portable water purifier with you. An easy way to purify tap water is with Grayl. This water bottle removes virtually all contaminants from the water, making it perfectly safe to drink.

Be careful drinking anything that contains ice cubes in places where you should be careful, in case they are made from tap water; ask the restaurant if it is safe to drink. Also, stay away from salads, fruits or vegetables, which may have been washed with tap water.

Here is the list of the South American countries, and whether the tap water is safe or not.


Argentina is a well-developed country and tap water throughout the country is safe to drink. In more rural areas, you can expect the water to have a strong chlorine taste, but it won’t hurt you in any way. When in doubt, ask the locals to see what they do and follow suit. There are very few areas of the country where the water is not safe, and as a tourist, you are unlikely to visit them.


Make sure to avoid drinking tap water while in Bolivia; it is not safe to drink, even in major cities. In fact, it’s best not even to use it while brushing your teeth. Fortunately, bottled water is widely available and very affordable, or you can use a Grayl water bottle, which was described above.


When it comes to tap water, Brazil can be a bit tricky. In major cities, Rio and Sao Paulo, you can drink the tap water, but travelers report that it tastes disgusting. With that in mind, unless you are traveling on a very tight budget, expect to buy bottled water or purify tap water during your trip.


Tap water is safe to drink in Chile, with the exception of San Pedro de Atacama. Keep in mind that tap water is high in minerals, so it could lead to the development of kidney stones or kidney infections if you drink it for several months in a row. If you are prone to any of them, it is advisable to limit the amount you consume. Be careful and mix your water routine with bottled water every now and then.


Tap water is safe to drink in most large cities in Colombia. Stick to bottled water if you decide to venture into more rural areas. Agua Manantial is your best option for bottled water, as it tastes better and is still cheap.


You should not drink tap water in Ecuador, even in major cities, as there are many disease-causing organisms in the water. Stick to bottled water, filter the water, or boil tap water continuously for several minutes (due to altitude, you need to boil it longer than sea level) before drinking.

Falkland Islands

Tap water is safe to drink in the Falkland Islands.

French Guiana

Tap water is not safe to drink in French Guiana. Buy water from a store, use a water filter, or boil tap water before consuming it.


Tap water in Guyana turns brown, due to the chemicals in the water, which can be interesting if you’re not expecting it! The water is not contaminated, but tap water is generally not safe to drink. Stick with bottled water here.


You should not drink the tap water anywhere in Paraguay. Risks of doing so include dysentery, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis. It is definitely not a place to use even tap water to brush your teeth.


You should avoid drinking tap water everywhere in Peru.


Drinking water is safe in Paramaribo, but ask a local for advice before drinking water outside of here, as it is generally not safe. If you are unsure, always bring bottled water.


Tap water is safe to drink throughout Uruguay.


Tap water is not safe to drink in Venezuela. Carry water purification products (iodine) or a water filter with you to ensure that you will have access to clean water in case there is a shortage of bottled water, as was the case in 2017. Filtered water bottles are a good idea , or boiling the water before drinking will keep you safe and hydrated.

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