LivingTravelThe best camp reviews and ratings

The best camp reviews and ratings

Camp ratings, reviews, and travel guides can be helpful when planning your next camping trip. There are several reputable organizations that rate camps based on user experience and other criteria. Their names may be familiar to you: AAA, Trailer Life, Wheelers, and Woodall’s. Their ratings are a benchmark that measures how well a camp meets various industry standards.

Usually only private camps are rated. Public campgrounds in state parks, national parks and forests, BLM areas, and the Army Corps of Engineers are generally consistent in their amenities, services, and regulations.

The best reviews and ratings of campsites

  • AAA Approved Camps and Reviews: AAA maintains an ongoing program to inspect and evaluate each camp listed in its AAA CampBooks. Each camp is inspected annually and must meet specified requirements to be listed. Camps that display the AAA emblem can generally be relied upon for quality service.
  • Campground Life Campground Reviews: Trailer Life rates campgrounds annually in three areas of service: integrity and quality of facilities, cleanliness and physical characteristics of restrooms and showers, and visual appeal and environmental quality. The highest scores would be 10/10/10. You can find these ratings in Trailer Life’s online camping directory.
  • Wheelers RV and Campground Resort Guide – Wheelers uses a five-star rating system, with five stars indicating better than average on most amenities, three stars are normal expectations, and one star is below average. Ratings are compiled by VIP Wheelers Reporters who have actually stayed at the campgrounds. These rankings are available from Wheeler’s online camp directory.
  • Woodall Recreational Vehicle Travel Guides: Woodall’s inspects campgrounds annually to collect its “Diamond-W” ratings, the most comprehensive and complex ratings of all. You can view camp descriptions and ratings on the Woodall website.

Big Fish N Campground Lafayette, Indiana

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