LivingThe curious case of the German twins who were...

The curious case of the German twins who were born three months apart and in different years

If there is something precise about the probable due dates, it is that in the end who has the last word is the baby , since it is he who decides when to be born. As we know, under normal conditions, it is best to wait for labor to start naturally and for each baby to choose the right time to be born.

Sometimes, that gives us curious anecdotes, such as twins and twins who are born in different years because of being born during the change of the year. But also, there have been cases in which extraordinary or unusual things happen, such as the curious case of the German twins who were born 3 months apart and in different years .

It sounds incredible but it is true: two twins from Cologne, Germany, were born 97 days apart and in different years . The little ones, named Liana and Leonie, have become news because of how particular their birth was, although it is not the first time that such a case has been known.

Through a post on the Facebook page of the hospital where they were born, they say that it all started when their mother went into labor prematurely during the 26th week of pregnancy , on November 17, 2018, resulting in the birth. of Liana, who weighed only 900 grams.

But after she was born, the contractions stopped and the mother’s cervix closed again , allowing Leonie to continue inside her mother’s womb for three more months, finally being born on February 22, 2019.

According to information from RT, the doctor Uwe Schellenberger explained to local media that this was possible because there were two placentas , so there was no major problem that Leonie could continue to develop in her mother’s belly.

Liana naturally had to spend time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, but the hospital reports that both girls are healthy and their parents are very happy to have both of them at home with them.

As we mentioned at the beginning, this is not the first case in which a pair of twins is born within days of each other (although the hospital says that it is the one with the longest time between births), as it also happened a few years ago in Boston , United States, where a pair of twins was born 24 days apart.

Photo | iStock
Via | RT

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