LivingTravelThe Irish Samhain Tradition The Roots of Halloween in...

The Irish Samhain Tradition The Roots of Halloween in Celtic Ireland

Before Halloween was created as the spooky October holiday, Ireland celebrated Samhain. In fact, the name Samhain is still used in certain traditions and is the same word used to refer to the entire month of November in modern Irish. However, it was November 1 that was traditionally known as Samhain, which literally translates to “end of summer” and is pronounced something like bristles . This was the end of the Celtic year, the beginning of winter, and a moment of reflection all rolled into one.

But why is Ireland’s “Samhain” on November 1 the same as “Halloween” on October 31? The secret is in the traditional tradition of the Celtic calendar.

The belief that out of darkness comes light

One of the Celtic idiosyncrasies was the concept that everything begins in the dark, and then moves towards the light. This means that the year began with the winter season, and the days began at dusk from what we now see as “the day before.” This means that according to Celtic timekeeping, the night of October 31 was an integral part of Samhain, known as oiche shamhna or “afternoon of Samhain.” After all, this is also reflected in modern “Halloween,” which itself means “All Hallows’ Night,” and in that way is simply a precursor to November 1.

The date was also very important in a much broader sense each year. Like the soltices and equinoxes, Samhain was one of the four “quarter days” of the Celtic calendar, along with Imbolc (February 1, early spring, also known as St. Bridget’s Day), Bealtaine (1 of May, beginning of summer) and Lughnasa (August 1, beginning of harvest). In the Celtic year, Samhain marked the beginning of winter, and therefore also the beginning of the year. So you could say that Samhain was also Celtic New Years Eve.

Unfortunately, we do not have any solid evidence as to how the Samhain festivals were carried out in pre-Christian times. Samhain appears to have been a specifically Irish tradition and first mentioned by Christian chroniclers, although it is highly likely that it existed long before the tradition appeared and documented. Our best guess is that the holidays seem to have taken over a week for a few days on each side of the actual Samhain day. After eating, everything was put in order, because winter is coming.

Getting ready for winter

Samhain’s preparations focused mainly on cattle and other animals. Records suggest that all members of the pack were trapped and taken to enclosures or sheds near the farm. Animals that seemed too weak to survive the winter were euthanized. This was not for ritual reasons, but simply for purely practical considerations. Their slaughter helped fill the pantry for the winter.

At the same time, all the corn, fruits and berries had to be harvested and stored. There is still a widespread belief in Ireland that after November 1 all fruit is haunted and therefore inedible. The pooka was said to roam freely in Samhain: an ugly black horse with red eyes and the ability to speak. The creepy beast also had a penchant for abductions (if you were stupid enough to take a ride) and was thought to pee on all berry bushes (which explains why no berries were collected after Samhain).

Communal activities

Many legends from the legends around Samhain refer to the great gatherings that occurred at that time. This was the time to take stock of the current situation and decide on future activities for the new year. Most of these meetings took place on the Hill of Tara or on the shores of the lake. In general, a truce was called during this period to ensure that meetings could take place between sworn enemies and that diplomacy and social activities went beyond possible tribal and political boundaries. It might have helped that all debts had to be paid off in the Samhain season.

Spiritual activities were another integral part of the party. Traditionally, all fires were extinguished when the oiche shamhna started, making this the darkest night of the year. The fires were reignited, ushering in the new year.

Tradition has it that the Druids lit a large bonfire on Tlachtga Hill (near Athboy, County Meath) and the lighted torches were carried from there to every home at night (which would have been physically impossible but is a good story).

We all have to make sacrifices

There was more than one ritual involving fire in Samhain and the most infamous of all were the “wicker men.” It was essentially a cage made of straw and wicker that more or less resembled a human form, but was then filled with sacrificial (living) offerings. These sacrifices included live animals, prisoners of war, or simply unpopular neighbors. The unfortunate beings were burned to death inside the “wicker man.” Don’t worry, other rituals involve drowning. Happy Celtic New Year!

Before thinking that Halloween is definitely the less spooky of these two related holidays, keep in mind that these human sacrifices shouldn’t be seen as the norm. Although sacrifices were undoubtedly made, they may only have involved spilled milk and corn on the ground. And there could even have been nocturnal human activities related to fertility rituals. It was considered a good omen if a woman became pregnant in Samhain!

The non-human touch in Samhain

Back to the spooky connection: not everyone who joined the Samhain celebrations was necessarily human … or from our world. The night of October 31 to November 1 was a time “between years” for the Celts. During this time, the borders between our world and the other world (s) were flexible and open.

Not only the pooka was away from home. Bean sidhe (banshee) could be killed by humans at night, fairies were visible to human eyes, the underworld palaces of ‘nobility’ (an Irish title for fairies) were open to come and go. Humans could drink with powerful heroes and sleep with their beautiful otherworldly companions… as long as they didn’t make any mistakes, break the rules, or violate even the most ridiculous taboo. The possibility of bad luck far outweighed the chances of a good night, which is why most people opted for a quiet night, with its doors tightly closed.

Last but not least, Samhain was also a time when the dead could walk the earth, communicate with the living, and claim old debts. So watch out for that knock on the door.

“Druidic” confusion

All of this belongs to the conservative image of Samhain, but many new age authors have added their own decorations to this ancient holiday.

Colonel Charles Valency is to blame for many inventions. In the 1770s he wrote extensive treatises on the origin of the “Irish race” in Armenia. Many of his writings have long been consigned to the mad side, but Lady Jane Francesca Wilde carried her torch in the 19th century and wrote “Irish Cures, Mystical Charms and Superstitions,” which is still cited as a licensed work.

Meanwhile, Samhain transformed into All Hallows E’en and Halloween. Samhain or Halloween is still celebrated in Ireland in various ways, with fortune telling and special foods.

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