Almost all animal species undergo variations in certain parts of their body due to the specific function that they will develop. The teeth of our companion animals differ greatly in form and function from those of their beloved owners. In general, we can say that they are white or slightly yellowish, of a hard consistency … so far everything is the same. But the big difference lies in the inclined and pointed plane of the canine and feline teeth. This unique arrangement prevents the appearance of a tremendously widespread evil among the human population: cavities.
In terms of functions, the incisors hold the food, the canines hold and tear, and the molars and premolars grind.
Our pets are often born without visible teeth and we say that they are not visible because they are actually “hidden” under the gums. They begin to emerge between 25 and 30 days of age and we will be able to appreciate the complete “milk” teeth (28 pieces) around a month and a half or two months. They are called “milk” teeth because they are the first, because they are born during and after the lactation period and because they are not definitive, since between three and seven months of age they will fall and will be replaced by the definitive teeth or teeth. permanent (42 pieces). During tooth development, the pieces can undergo different alterations. Among the most frequent are the lack of some part (adontia or dental agenesis) or the appearance of more parts than usual (poliodontia). Another quite frequent problem is that some or some of the baby teeth do not fall out and “coexist” with the permanent teeth. This is a frequent problem in small breeds that is solved with the dental extraction of the pieces that have been maintained.
To appreciate possible dental pathologies, we must review the teeth and their environment in order to locate or rule out any of the following symptoms. The first is halitosis or the bad smell that the animal’s oral cavity gives off. This is one of the most common symptoms of dental and oral cavity problems. When halitosis is due to dental disease, it is usually due to the presence of tartar and gum infection.
Another symptom of dental problems is impatience . The lack of appetite is usually due to fever and pain caused by oral or dental problems such as infection, foreign bodies stuck in the mouth, dental fractures …
And finally we will talk about plaque and tartar. In the mouth of our pets and on a regular basis there are bacteria that in the presence of food residues and minerals from saliva “build” the bacterial plaque. Initially it is deposited in the area of the tooth closest to the gum to later invade the nearby areas. This expansion of the bacterial plaque and its corresponding mineralization will give rise to tartar. If the problem persists, it may result in the loss of one, several, or all of your teeth.
Before concluding, we must make it clear that dental pathologies can affect other parts of the animal’s body with consequences as serious as severe cardiovascular complications. We must not forget that the dental health of our pet will be possible with the maintenance of correct oral hygiene: adequate food, dental cleaning and periodic check-ups.