LivingThey condemn the Principality of Asturias to compensate a...

They condemn the Principality of Asturias to compensate a mother for the death of her baby due to the improper use of a suction cup during childbirth

When there are no complications during the pregnancy and all the prenatal tests are perfect, the logical thing is to think that the baby will be born without problems. And that is the usual. But it was not what happened to a young mother of only 26 years old.

She had a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy. At week 41 + 3 of gestation, he was admitted after having the first contractions and admitted to the Emergency Service of the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA). The baby was born weighing 3,820 grams but died shortly after.

The Superior Court of Justice of Asturias (TSJA) has condemned the Principality and an insurance company to compensate the mother with 60,000 euros for the death of the newborn by ruling that it was caused by a negligence of the obstetrician who attended the delivery, by “using suction cup in advance “.

Four years of struggle

The tragic outcome took place four years ago, but the mother did not stop fighting for the mistake that she thought had taken her son’s life to be recognized.

On November 1, 2016, he entered HUCA. That same day, she was examined six times, between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. and the next day she was examined again at 0.30 a.m.

A resident gynecology physician took care of the delivery and performed the first suction cup maneuvers. But he developed shoulder dystocia and asked for the help of a doctor on duty. He was in charge of helping the baby to be born, although he died just three hours later.

The mother attributed the death to the negligent action of the obstetrician himself who, according to her version, caused shoulder dystocia when acting with the suction cup in advance, had to seek the help of a doctor and could even have its cause when performing the maneuver of Kristeller who was also discouraged.

The sentence has taken into account the judicial expert evidence of a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology who indicated that the time described in the protocols of four hours with anesthesia and three hours without it was not waited .

The sentence reflects that the delivery should be allowed to evolve to be as natural as possible and that there was no indication that it was instrumental.

The expert witness also pointed out that “for the rotation a forceps must be used, not the suction cup that was used and that it is a tractor element”.

The judgment is not final and an appeal may be filed against it.

Via | Trade

Photos | iStock

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