EntertainmentGamesThis Days Gone mod expands the number of zombies...

This Days Gone mod expands the number of zombies to turn what was already a nightmare into a real hell

One of the great assets of seeing Sony games coming to PC – beyond the fact that those who do not have a PlayStation can enjoy them – is seeing to what extent the modding community can transform games like Days Gone.

In the video that you will find below you have a sample of one of them, a mod destined to increase the hordes of zombies of Days Gone to catapult their maximum figures from 50 to 280 in the case of smaller groups, and from 500 to more of 600 in the one of the biggest groups.

Now the interesting thing will be to see to what extent our computers can withstand this increase of bugs on the screen looking to snack on our calves. The jerks in some parts of the video already give a good account of it.

Days Gone is living a sweet second youth thanks to its arrival on PC and the return of rumors about a sequel that, despite having been in development at some point, finally ended up abandoning in search of a new IP in which Bend Studio He is already working.

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