LivingTwo go up and three go down: a woman...

Two go up and three go down: a woman gives birth during a flight, with the help of her doctor husband and the plane's staff

Although it is not something that has never happened, without a doubt the news of pregnant women who go into labor in mid-flight and receive their babies while they are flying thousands of meters high will always be something surprising and that reaches the news.

Now the most recent has been a mother on a seven-hour flight from Gabon to Istanbul, who went into labor mid-flight , and gave birth to her baby four hours before reaching her destination.

Musuamba Michoukayembe was traveling with her husband to Istanbul when, after a three-hour flight, she began to feel pain in her belly. Although he had a probable due date for the end of the month, as we have commented on other occasions, the baby is the one who decides when to be born, and this little one, it occurred to him that he wanted to reach the world while his parents were on a flight .

When it was clear that the 21-year-old mother had gone into labor, the flight crew prepared everything to receive the baby during the flight. Fortunately, Musuamba’s husband is a doctor, so with everyone’s help, they managed to deliver a successful delivery .

Flight attendants took turns holding and cuddling the newborn , after the cabin crew helped clean him after the umbilical cord was cut. The airline even shared a photo of the plane’s staff with the new family member on its Twitter account.

Because mother and son were doing well, there was no need to divert the flight and the pilots only asked that they be given preference to land in Istanbul four hours after the baby, whom they named Bennel, was born.

Photo | Pexels
Via | ABC

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