EntertainmentGamesWe interviewed Pop In a Box: "Everyone is a...

We interviewed Pop In a Box: "Everyone is a fan of something"

Movies, music, comics, series, animation, art … Popular culture is everywhere and in all of us , and that is why it is so easy to find something (no matter how small) that reflects those tastes and hobbies that everyone has. In that immense market, and trying to cover as much as possible, Funko was born, a company that has taken over the collecting market in recent years thanks to its wide variety of products and low entry barriers.

The company was founded in 1998 by Mike Becker offering little bobblehead figures, called Wacky Wobblers , which were based on nostalgia as a starting point. The first model they launched was Big Boy , the icon of a popular American fast food franchise. From that moment, Funko was developing a kind of brand of the house with its own mascot (the friendly Freddie Funko), a very recognizable style in its products and a great interaction with the public. In 2003, a discussion space was created on the funkofunatic.com website where the followers of the brand could contribute their opinion and make suggestions for new designs .

Through a wide catalog of licenses acquired and many different types of figures, Funko was gaining a niche in the US market, increasing its presence at collectors and toys fairs and conventions and becoming international . In 2010, a series of figures came on the market that kept the same mold (large rectangular head, large circular eyes and rigid body in standard position) and that would eventually become his Funko Pop! Series. , which is probably the most popular and successful today (only in the last quarter of 2018 its sales generated 233 million dollars ).

With its more than 8,000 different designs only in the Pop! Funko has gone from specialty stores to virtually every retail outlet that deals with entertainment and popular culture, has released its own board games, occupies a privileged place at conventions such as ComicCON, and is even preparing its own movie . To understand this immense growth, the success among the general public and the importance of their product, we have spoken with Irene Arias León, Spanish Country Executive of Pop In A Box , official distributor of Funko Pop! in Spain.


As the person in charge of a sales portal such as Pop In a Box and the person who is in contact with the product, what do you think is the reason for the success of the Funko Pop! ?

We believe that the reason for the success of the Funko Pop! It is explained by his motto: “Everyone is a fan of something .” And there are funkos of anything, from a classic horror movie or a blockbuster, through anime, to a new video game. Pop culture is part of our lives and that is where we believe the key to all the success of these figures lies, in that it is not closed to any particular audience .


Why do you think this boom in Funko Pop! occurs now and not before?

Well, Funko has been growing silently in the Spanish community for several years but it is now that we see the fruit of all that. There are very serious collectors in Spain but if one thing is true it is that everyone has a Funko : on the nightstand, in the living room of any house and you can even see them decorating desks in offices . We are also talking about people who are not exactly staunch Funko collectors and we believe that it is because it is a very affordable figure, striking with its Japanese chibi style. It gives a very personal decorative touch to any room.


According to data from Funko itself, in August 2019 there were 8,366 different models.How will they handle such a number of intellectual properties?

Pop culture is something that is part of our day to day and that is why the different franchises that Funko works with (around 200 licenses) are easy to carry. We love what we do and are excited about the release of every Funko Pop! because each one has been part of an important moment for us: a movie that marked us, a writer who has hooked us on his novels or the singer of our favorite song.

What difference does the Funko Pop! of other merchandising products?

We were talking about Funko as an affordable and decorative product but if there is something to highlight about Funko it is that they are not simple dolls, but collectibles. And Funko gives the key so that people want to collect them all: the standardization in the design of the figure, the details that will differentiate it later and, above all, the fandom and the nostalgia of the general public .

Products like the Funko Pop! Do you open the doors for anyone to get into the world of collecting?

Of course, that is, there are many people who were already a collector of something before starting in the Funko world, but it is true that many other people did not know anything about this hobby as wide as collecting is and have discovered it thanks to us.

How has the evolution of this product been in the Spanish market?

It was slow but steady , at first the Funko products were found in specialized video game stores, board games, sleeves or general merchandise, so not everyone was well aware of the figures and the open catalog that Funko offers. But as it was gaining strength, especially in networks, sales skyrocketed and can now be found almost anywhere. But only some stores are specialized, this is where we, Pop In A Box , come in, since we are dedicated to marketing the Funko brand.


There are exclusive figures from Funko Pop! sold for hundreds of dollars. Does the price really mark what one is willing to pay?

Within the world of collecting, when a figure comes out in very limited units such as Funko with certain Comic Con exclusives, many people want it and it can only be found within these conventions, so the offer comes into play here and demand . At the end of the day, they are figures that are mass-manufactured, so by limiting the sale and manufacture of units, this makes them special and, therefore, more valuable.


What are the future expectations for this type of product: will the honeymoon last or will the bubble burst?

Funko never ceases to amaze us. Not only with the Pop! but with new ones such as Mystery Minis , VYNL or 5 Star and covers many fields (cinema, series, music, animation, games and a long etc.). We believe a very prosperous future awaits you as one of the world’s leading collectibles selling brands.

There are exclusive figures from Funko Pop! sold for hundreds of dollars. Does the price really mark what one is willing to pay?
Within the world of collecting, when a figure comes out in very limited units such as Funko with certain Comic Con exclusives, many people want it and it can only be found within these conventions, so the offer comes into play here and demand. At the end of the day, they are figures that are mass-manufactured, so by limiting the sale and manufacture of units, this makes them special and, therefore, more valuable.
What are the future expectations for this type of product: will the honeymoon last or will the bubble burst?
Funko never ceases to amaze us. Not only with the Pop! but with other new ones such as the Mystery Minis, VYNL or 5 Star and covers many fields (cinema, series, music, animation, games and a long etc.). We believe a very prosperous future awaits you as one of the world’s leading collectibles selling brands.

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