FunNature & AnimalWhat are cats afraid of?

What are cats afraid of?

Fear does not always have to have negative connotations and is that, both in humans and animals, it can act as a survival mechanism . Fear puts us on alert to possible dangers and makes us be more cautious and careful with our lives. Can you imagine that we were not afraid of anything? Perhaps we would have become extinct … and so would the animals, including our beloved cat.

That said, most of cats’ fears lie in unfamiliar objects and situations . Faced with something that the animal does not know, the reaction is alert, because anything can happen for the cat and affect its physical integrity. In these cases, the animal’s brain sends an order to the body so that it becomes alert and prepares to react if necessary.

To the fear of ignorance must be added the great sense of hearing that cats have . This makes what is an annoying noise for us, instead, thunderous.

How to prevent the cat from being afraid

To prevent the cat from being afraid of objects, what you have to do is, every time a new one enters the house, introduce it to him. By this we mean that we leave it within reach so that you can smell it and get used to it. The first days we should not move the object abruptly . In addition, if it emits noise, as it can happen with the dryer, we must present it to them first without turning it on and later start it up and use it gently.

In the case in which an unknown situation is going to occur and may affect your furry, such as, for example, a move, it will be necessary to ensure that it gradually gets used to it. Changes should be, as far as possible, gradual .

If, despite the ritual of introduction and progressive accustoming in the case of a new situation, you notice that your cat lives with a sick fear, you should take him to the vet. Only the expert will be able to treat the phobia in question and give you the best advice to fight it.

Now, yes, we will tell you the most common fears in cats. Does your kitty suffer from any of them?

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