FunNature & AnimalWhat is the largest freshwater fish in the world?

What is the largest freshwater fish in the world?

According to the United States Geological Survey, the beluga sturgeon ( Huso huso ) is the largest and heaviest freshwater fish in the world. These giant fish grow up to 4.5 meters long and can weigh over 1,100 kilograms. In addition, this animal is quite appreciated for its roe, since it is usually sold as gourmet caviar. Unfortunately, the population of this fish has been drastically reduced due to the demand for caviar, which is why it is currently in danger of extinction.

Likewise, this species stands out for having an elongated body, a short snout, a wide mouth and a leaden gray color on the back. They also have fleshy chins in front of their mouths that they use to locate their prey in river beds. The beluga sturgeon mainly inhabits the basins of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, such as the Volga River.

The largest fish in America

On the other hand, if we move to North America, the largest freshwater fish is the white sturgeon, which lives mainly in the rivers of the western United States and Canada. This fish can be up to six meters long and weigh up to 680 kilograms. However, this species is also in danger of extinction. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, there were only 500 adult individuals left in 2005.

The second largest freshwater fish in North America is the alligator gar ( Atractosteus spatula ). It is a species of osteíctio fish (that is to say, vertebrate) of the order of the lepisosteiformes that can weigh almost 130 kilograms and measure around three meters in length. This species, which can be found in the southeastern United States and in Mexico, has two rows of teeth on its upper jaw and is popular for its ability to stay out of water, reaching up to two hours on the surface.

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