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Robophilia may sound like a word or even a science fiction theme, but it represents an effective response to an increasingly technologically advanced society.

Sex with robots? The world of robotics offers us better solutions to the most varied problems or obstacles of human beings, so why not squeeze its potential on a sexual level?

There is no doubt that the latent market for pleasure with a robotic companion exists and is likely to become a more realistic need in the future. According to David Levy, artificial intelligence expert and author of the book “Love and Sex with Robots”, sexual relations with robots will be common in 2050. It may be strange to us right now, but … will it be in the future ?

It is clear that for human beings, having sex is not only a biological instinct. It is something that goes beyond mere physical satisfaction . Much more complex factors come into play that if robots want to cover, they will have to be able to be programmed for more than just winking, opening their mouths or having a small conversation previously stored on their hard drive.

Would a robot meet all the requirements to establish a relationship? Could robots arouse emotions in humans? Would having sex with robots while having a partner imply being unfaithful to them? Many questions that will have to wait to answer.

As we know, paraphilias include sexual behaviors that society may consider unpleasant, unusual, or abnormal. The most common are: pedophilia (focused on sexual interest in children), exhibitionism (exposure of the genitalia to strangers), voyeurism (observing private activities of unconscious victims) and frotteurism (touching or rubbing a person who does not consent). Fetishism (use of inanimate objects), sexual masochism (being humiliated or forced to suffer), or sexual sadism (inflicting humiliation or suffering) are much less common. There is also a category of paraphilias, known as other specified paraphilic disorders, that encompasses behaviors that are not covered by the aforementioned diagnoses, such as those involving dead people, urine, feces, enemas, or obscene phone calls and that we usually treat as paraphilias. unusual or rare. Some of the behaviors associated with paraphilias are illegal; People in treatment for paraphilic disorders often encounter legal complications related precisely to their behavior.

The pattern of erotic arousal of this nature is usually quite developed before puberty . Several processes are involved where anxiety or early emotional trauma interferes with normal psychosexual development. The standard pattern of arousal is replaced by another pattern, sometimes through early exposure to highly charged sexual experiences that reinforce the person’s experience of sexual pleasure . It usually takes on symbolic and conditioning elements (for example, a fetish symbolizes the object of excitement but may have been chosen because the fetish was accidentally associated with sexual curiosity, desire, and arousal).


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