FunNature & AnimalWhich animals should have a microchip and which ones...

Which animals should have a microchip and which ones can not?

Surely, whether you have lived with animals or not, you have heard about microchips more than once. These are small electronic devices that do not exceed the size of a grain of rice inside which there is a code of nine digits and 4 letters. We could say that this code is similar to the license plate of a vehicle, but applied to the animal carrying the microchip.

With these data, any veterinarian can consult all the information about an animal since the “registration” is associated with names, telephone numbers and contact addresses.

Which animals should be microchipped and why?

Currently dogs and cats must have a microchip, but there are also communities in which it is mandatory for equines, rabbits and ferrets. This is stipulated in this way, for example, Law 4/2016, of July 22, on the Protection of Companion Animals of the Community of Madrid.

According to article 11 published within the BOE of November 25, 2011:

“Article 11. Animals subject to identification.

Dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits and equines will be compulsorily subject to identification, by means of a microchip. Birds will be identified by ringing from birth. Likewise, all animals classified as potentially dangerous will be subject to identification in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the matter, without prejudice to any other species or type of animal that could be determined by regulation.

Each Autonomous Community may have its own obligations regarding the protection of animals. For this reason, we recommend that you take a look at the regulations in force in your area.

The rest of the animals, in any case, can carry it or not, according to the judgment of the veterinarian and the owners or caretakers of the animal. But it is not mandatory if it is not one of the animals mentioned.

There may be particular cases, such as birds in the community of Madrid that all have to be identified by means of a closed ring or, failing that, a microchip.

Can I put a microchip on any animal?

The answer is yes. It can be put on any animal that, due to size and weight, can be physically put on it. That does not mean that by putting it on we are legalizing it, we are simply identifying it.

When they are born, and during the first weeks, it is not recommended to microchip any animal. It’s best to wait until he’s a little older and take advantage of one of the microchipping reviews.

The general recommendation usually involves waiting six weeks to proceed with implanting the microchip. However, it depends on each specific case. For example, in the case of a calf with a disease, it may be best to wait until the treatments are finished. Although, it must be clear that it is a process that does not hurt and that hardly bothers the animals. When nanochips are implanted, the process is nothing more than the puncture, like that of a vaccine. But it is always better to do it in a moment of calm and tranquility of the animal.

Who manages the registration of these microchips

The regulations related to microchipping for animals are stipulated to defend:

  • Responsible ownership of pets.
  • The fight against abandonment.
  • Adoption, avoiding the abandonment of animals, purchase, etc.
  • The sterilization of animals and their responsible purchase, breeding and sale, as fundamental pillars to avoid overpopulation and, ultimately, abandonment.
  • The education of animals, since in the face of a problem the responsible humans can be easily found.

This type of information is managed from different areas. For example, there is a body that manages the data at a European level, with the EUROPETNET list. This is especially useful when it comes to animals that undergo a lot of movements or that are sent from one place to another for whatever reason.

Within Spain you can find all the information in this regard in the registry or organization that is in charge of the data of your Autonomous Community. Below you can see the entire list:

  • Andalusia has the RAIA (Andalusian Registry of Animal Identification)
  • Aragon, the RIACA (Registry of Identification of Companion Animals of Aragon)
  • Asturias, the RIAPA (Registry of Identification of Companion Animals of the Principality of Asturias)
  • Balearic Islands, the RIACIB (Registry of Identification of Companion Animals of the Balearic Islands)
  • Basque Country, the REGIA (Registry of Identification of Animals of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country)
  • Canary Islands, the ZOOCAN (Canary Animal Identification Registry)
  • Cantabria, the RACIC (Registry of Identified Companion Animals of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria)
  • Castilla, La Mancha, the SIACAM (Individual Animal Identification System of Castilla – La Mancha)
  • Castilla y León, the SYACYL (Companion Animal Identification System of Castilla y León)
  • Catalonia, the AIAC (L’Arxiu d’Identificació d’Animals de Companyia) (IT IS NOT MANDATORY) and the RGAC (Registre General d’Animals de Companyia) through ANICOM (IT IS MANDATORY IN CATALONIA)
  • Ceuta, the SIACE (Ceuta Animal Identification System)
  • Extremadura, the RIACE (Extremadura Companion Animal Identification Registry)
  • Galicia, REGIAC (Galician Registry of Identification of Companion Animals)
  • La Rioja, the RIAC (Registry of Identification of Companion Animals)
  • Madrid, the RIAC (Registry of Identification of Companion Animals of Madrid)
  • Murcia, the SIAMU (Animal Identification System of the Murcia region)
  • Navarra, the REIAC (Canine Census)
  • Valencia, the RIVIA (Valencian Computer Registry of Animal Identification)

In short, the microchip has been introduced little by little in the veterinary field thanks to all its qualities and what it facilitates and helps in the care of animals. If, after this reading, you have more doubts, consult your trusted veterinarian who will know how to inform you of everything you need.


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