FunNature & AnimalWhy are small dogs so ferocious?

Why are small dogs so ferocious?

With their large, muscular bodies, some dogs like Rottweilers and Pit Bulls can appear to be the scariest. However, scientific evidence shows that smaller dogs can actually be more aggressive than many of their large furry companions. Have you ever wondered why small breed dogs are so ferocious?

What is a small dog?

First, it is important to define what a small breed dog is. “Small dogs (those weighing less than 9 kilograms) tend to be more reactive,” explained James Serpell, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

For example, dachshunds, Chihuahuas and Jack Russell terriers are more likely to try to bite, according to a study published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science that surveyed owners of more than 30 dog breeds. Other aggressive behaviors seen in small dogs include growling or scratching. Thus, there are different theories about why they have this behavior.

Three different theories

Small size can make dogs more fearful and therefore lash out in self-defense. In fact, small breeds are more likely to react defensively because they have more to fear.

On the other hand, the reactivity of small dogs could be the result of the behavior of their owners. “Owners tend to humanize small dogs and consider them defenseless babies,” argued Serpell. Pet owners are often overly protective of small breed dogs, so they may not socialize or teach them how to react appropriately to stressful situations.

In addition, aggression could also be part of the evolution of puppies. If you are attacked by a Chihuahua, the consequences are obviously much less significant than if you are attacked by a Great Dane or a Siberian Husky. In other words, over the years, humans may not have cared about aggressive behavior in small dogs because the consequences are not as dire as being attacked by a sizable hound.

The latter theory is supported by studies that have found a link between aggressive behavior and the growth factor gene (which makes small dogs small).

The link could be a coincidence. However, research has shown that not only are small dogs more extreme in their aggression-related behaviors, they also have more separation anxiety.

This supports the theory that genetics play a role in extreme behavior in small dogs.

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