Living10 ideas to combat insomnia

10 ideas to combat insomnia

Insomnia is an increasingly frequent problem among the adult population: worries, the dizzying pace of modern life, social networks and total connection 24 hours … are factors that prevent us from getting a good rest. We all have times in our lives when it is difficult for us to fall asleep, for example during exams or in the face of big changes such as a move, the arrival of a child or a new job. The important thing is not to get obsessed (it is very easy to fall into a spiral in which our own fear of not being able to fall asleep makes us nervous and in turn prevents us from sleeping) and to think that it is surely a temporary problem.

In this gallery we offer you a series of practical and simple tips that we recommend that you incorporate into your daily routines . However, if the problem worsens or becomes chronic, you should contact a health professional.

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Tiredness and sleepiness in pregnancy: why do I feel like I am falling asleep...

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False myths about sleep

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, but we know very little about what happens to us at this decisive time for our physical and mental health. Popular culture is full of falsehoods and misinterpretations about the act of sleeping. Here are a few.

They get to talk in real time with people who are dreaming

Some of the participants in the experiment were able to answer yes / no answer questions and solve simple math problems.

Cataplexy: when laughter is expensive

It affects men and women equally and is frequently associated with narcolepsy. It may sound familiar because it is the disease suffered by journalist Jordi Évole. We talk about its causes, symptoms and treatment. Does it have a cure? We tell you everything here.
