LivingTiredness and sleepiness in pregnancy: why do I feel...

Tiredness and sleepiness in pregnancy: why do I feel like I am falling asleep standing up?

One of the first signs of pregnancy is general tiredness and the desire to sleep at all hours. Even this symptom is why some women suspect that they are pregnant before confirming it with a test, because they feel abnormally fatigued and very sleepy.

Tiredness and sleep during pregnancy are usually one of the discomforts that appear in the first trimester and one of the most common, so today we talk about them and share some tips to cope better.

Why do I feel so tired in pregnancy?

The short answer would be that it is because you are gestating a human being. And although we can summarize it only in that, the fatigue and excessive sleep during this stage is due to all the changes that are happening in our body.

At the beginning of the first trimester, it is very common for women to feel more sleepy than normal, because all the organs involved in this process are working more than usual . For example, the heart that works twice because we are producing more blood to send the nutrients to the baby.

Also at the beginning of pregnancy, it is when the placenta is formed and the initial stage of the baby’s development takes place, in which its main organs are formed, which consumes more energy from the woman’s body.

Hormones of course also play a part in this feeling more drained than usual. In fact, it is believed that drowsiness in pregnancy is caused by the increase in the level of progesterone , which works actively in the first weeks, preparing the uterus for the implantation of the fertilized egg.

And if to all this, we also add other typical symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea and dizziness that usually appear in the first trimester, it is normal for the body to ask for more rest!

How to cope with fatigue?

Faced with this discomfort, it is best to listen to your body and rest whenever you can, to give it that much-needed extra rest.

Of course, there will be situations in which that rest cannot always be achieved, such as when you work or if it is not your first pregnancy, because in that case we have a child (or two, three or four) to take care of.

Some of the things you can do to cope with tiredness and drowsiness in pregnancy include the following:

  • Find spaces throughout the day to relax a bit, or if possible, to take a nap even if it is short. Some examples can be: after eating, in the afternoon or before dinner.
  • Try to sleep more hours . At night, try to go to bed earlier than usual and in the morning, if possible, get up a little later. If you can’t do this during the week, try to take advantage of the weekend.
  • Food is key , both to regain energy and to rest better at night. It is important to eat a balanced diet with foods rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium and iodine. A diet that provides vitality should be based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and legumes.
  • Exercise is also essential . When you stay active and exercise in pregnancy, your energy levels rise. You can opt for activities that are not over-exerted and easy to do, such as a daily half-hour walk.
  • While you don’t need to stop doing your daily activities (which many women find it helpful to cope with by staying active), this is not the time to want to do it all . If your work rate is hectic and demanding, try reducing the hours and intensity.
  • In case it is not your first child, ask for help . To your partner, family or friends, so they can take care of your child or children while you take a well-deserved break.
  • Learn to listen to your body and attend to its needs . Remember that you are no longer alone, now it is about the health of both, you and your baby.

If tiredness does not decrease after the first trimester

Usually, in the second trimester we regain that energy that we had lost, but it is also possible that fatigue reappears during the third and last trimester , as this is when the body makes a great effort to continue meeting the needs of the baby , in addition to carrying the extra weight of the belly.

We will also have to take into account that in this last pull it is no longer so easy to sleep comfortably and it is possible that those nights of sleep are interrupted , especially if we have more young children at home.

In some cases, doctors prescribe a vitamin complex to cover that extra need for vitamins and minerals in the body during pregnancy. If you feel very tired and do not take one of these supplements, discuss this with your doctor.

Finally, if you notice excessive tiredness, fainting, a lot of vomiting and frequent dizziness or paleness, you should consult your doctor as it could be something more than simple fatigue and it could be another disease, such as anemia or a disorder that requires treatment.

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