Living23 recommended books to read during pregnancy

23 recommended books to read during pregnancy

When we find out that we are pregnant, one of the first things we do is run like crazy to look for books that take us into what we intuit ( spoiler: it’s true ), it will be the most amazing experience of our lives. Suddenly, you find yourself in the library (both physical and virtual), with hundreds of options , that you don’t even know where to start. If this is your situation, or you want to give a gift to a future mother, today we recommend the best you can find on the market.

I’m going to be a mom! And now that?

The moment of seeing the positive pregnancy test is magical and indescribable: a torrent of emotions invades you that you did not even know existed. The journey has just begun, you have so much left to live, to experience, to enjoy! The first ultrasound, the first kicks, the nerves when preparing the basket, the emotion of going into labor… In total, forty weeks full of experiences with a great prize at the end: your baby.

In this book, Sofía Fournier, a doctor specializing in maternal-fetal medicine dedicated to high-risk obstetrics and prenatal diagnosis , answers all the doubts and unknowns that arise during pregnancy in a direct and entertaining way.

¡Voy a ser mamá! ¿Y ahora qué?: Nueva edición, totalmente revisada y actualizada (Salud y bienestar)

I’m going to be a mom! What Now?: New Edition, Fully Revised and Updated (Health and Wellness)

Today on Amazon for €16.10
RRP at The Book House €16.10

Guide to a conscious pregnancy: Everything you need to know to take control of your pregnancy and childbirth

This book is an information and dissemination manual about pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium in our current context. A tool in which you will find information about this entire vital process, and that will help you take control and lead your pregnancy with your own decisions. It is a very suitable book to inform us about everything related to respected childbirth .

Guía para un embarazo consciente: Todo lo que necesitas saber para tomar las riendas de tu embarazo y el parto (Libro práctico)

Guide to a conscious pregnancy: Everything you need to know to take control of your pregnancy and childbirth (Practical book)

Today on Amazon for €17.00
RRP at The Book House €17.00

9 months from within

This is a pregnancy diary that will help you better understand each of the forty weeks of gestation and will thrill you with the amazing story of the evolution of the first cell in its wonderful journey from fetus to baby.

Through the explanations and advice of Dr. Gratacós, an international expert in fetal development , and the baby’s own voice, which offers his particular vision of everything that happens to him from conception to delivery, 9 months from the inside will accompany you on the adventure of gestation in a different way and will catch you from the first pages. It has never been explained to you like this!

9 meses desde dentro: Una guía diferente del embarazo para descubrir lo que siente tu hijo desde las primeras semanas de vida (Divulgación)

9 months from the inside: A different guide to pregnancy to discover what your child feels from the first weeks of life (Disclosure)

RRP at The House of the Book €9.45
Today on Amazon for €18.95

What to expect when you’re expecting

This is a classic among motherhood books . It is a guide to pregnancy that clearly answers all the concerns of expectant mothers and fathers, from planning to postpartum.

It includes all the details of the baby’s development week by week and complete chapters dedicated to the rhythm of life during pregnancy, the period before conception, twin pregnancy and much more. This is the fifth edition and includes more current, accurate, and pertinent information on this topic.

Qué se puede esperar cuando se está esperando (Prácticos)

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Practical)

Today on Amazon for €28.45
RRP at The Book House €28.45

we are going to be parents

This book covers everything from pregnancy planning and the months of gestation to the postpartum period, but it is a different guide from those you will find on the market, since it has been written by two mothers : a journalist who, apart from hers, has met many pregnancy stories, and a gynecologist who brings over thirty years of experience to the profession. They propose a meeting between friends: they talk to you face to face, they answer all your questions clearly and rigorously but also with humor, they confide in you and, above all, they understand how a future mother feels.

Vamos a ser padres: La guía más completa, actualizada y ampliada de embarazo, parto y posparto (Clave)

Let’s be parents: The most complete, updated and expanded guide to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum (Key)

Today on Amazon for €9.45
RRP at The House of the Book €9.45

The Adventure of Pregnancy: The New Reference Guide, Week by Week

A practical book that encompasses the entire pregnancy process : what you need to know before you get pregnant, the necessary medical tests, the control of all aspects of pregnancy week by week, the growth process of the fetus, the changes experienced by the mother, feelings and emotions, warning signs, schedule of tests and visits, types of delivery, relaxation techniques, the baby’s first hours of life, breastfeeding or recovery exercises. An indispensable title on the great adventure of pregnancy.

La aventura del embarazo: La nueva guía de referencia, semana a semana (Prácticos siglo XXI)

The Adventure of Pregnancy: The New Reference Guide, Week by Week (Practical 21st Century)

Today on Amazon for €8.50
RRP at The Book House €8.50

nine months of waiting

This book includes everything you need to know about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Dr. Josefina Ruiz Vega, who has had the valuable collaboration of Dr. Díez Rubio in the chapters dedicated to psychological aspects, has wanted to express her experience of more than twenty years working with women , and offers future mothers information realistic, current and adapted to our environment.

Nine months of waiting describes step by step the long process that goes from the first suspicion of a pregnancy to the return home, after delivery, of the mother and her baby, accounting for the physical and psychological changes that take place, responding to the most frequent doubts that arise at each stage, and providing useful advice to face your child’s arrival in the world with confidence, enthusiasm and tranquility. How many ultrasounds can be done during pregnancy? Is it normal to feel stuffy nose? What do I do if I do not notice the child for several hours? Who should accompany me in the dilation phase? How will I know when to push with the epidural? Does the milk always rise? Does postpartum depression always happen? An eminently practical book of preparation for motherhood.

Nueve meses de espera (Vivir Mejor)

Nine months of waiting (Living Better)

Today on Amazon for €17.10
RRP at The Book House €17.10

Your pregnancy day by day

It is a complete and practical guide to pregnancy, childbirth and the first two weeks of life of the newborn . The detailed information contained in this guide will allow the expectant mother not only to understand the changes that occur during these 280 unforgettable days, but also to follow the development of the fetus inside the uterus thanks to the surprising images that illustrate it.

In this work we find answers to frequently asked questions about pregnancy from the best experts, advice on nutrition, exercises and other tips to keep fit during pregnancy, detailed explanations about the changes that occur in the mother’s body during these nine months, a practical guide to know how to meet the needs of the baby during his first two weeks of life. and more than a thousand images , some of them state-of-the-art, that show the development of the fetus in the womb day by day.

Tu embarazo día a día (nueva edición 2018): Una imprescindible guía práctica e ilustrada, escrita por los mejores especialistas, para disfrutar al máximo del embarazo (Padres e hijos)

Your pregnancy day by day (new edition 2018): An essential practical and illustrated guide, written by the best specialists, to enjoy pregnancy to the fullest (Parents and children)

Today on Amazon for €28.45
RRP at The Book House €28.45

The power of pregnancy

It is a book that will inspire you to live a full and conscious motherhood and that offers a much deeper and broader vision of childbirth, in which the woman and the baby are the absolute protagonists. Through its pages you travel through all the months of pregnancy (in which resources and practices are offered to take care of yourself and understand what you are experiencing) and ends with a global and comprehensive view of the puerperium, when you already have your baby in your arms. .

El poder del embarazo: Prepárate para disfrutar de tu gestación y tener un parto consciente

The power of pregnancy: Get ready to enjoy your pregnancy and have a conscious birth

Today on Amazon for €17.05
RRP at The Book House €17.05

Natural Mom: The Healthy Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

For generations, pregnancy and childbirth have been treated as medical conditions and not what they are, normal biological processes. Today, thanks to the millions of women who are taking charge of their lives from a more natural perspective, this is changing.

In this book, Geniviev Howland, of YouTube fame for her pregnancy and natural childbirth channel, offers an easy-to-understand, beautifully illustrated, and well-researched guide that has become essential reading for moms-to-be interested in a healthy lifestyle. healthy and natural.

Mamá natural: La guía saludable del embarazo y parto (Embarazo, bebé y crianza)

Natural Mom: The Healthy Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth (Pregnancy, Baby, and Parenting)

Today on Amazon for €17.95
RRP at The Book House €17.95

Give birth

Parir is not a medical manual, but an essay on the most vital experience a woman can go through from the point of view of her and the baby. An analysis of what we think of childbirth, what we know, what it has been historically and what it means in the collective imagination. A book to understand childbirth from psychology and neuroscience

Ibone Olza, the author, is a mother, has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra, a doctorate in Medicine from the University of Zaragoza and is a specialist in child, adolescent and perinatal psychiatry. As he comments in his book “It is interesting to ask the reason for all this. Why does childbirth have such psychic intensity? Why are the hormones that direct it the same ones that produce the love experience? I want to think that the answer is there, in love. The love between mothers and sons or daughters, love as the basis of all social and community evolution that has allowed the fabulous brain development that produces language and human intelligence.”

Parir (edición actualizada): El poder del parto (Libro práctico)

Giving Birth (Updated Edition): The Power of Childbirth (How To Book)

Today on Amazon for €16.05
RRP at The Book House €16.05

birth guide

Ina May Gaskin is the daughter of a self-taught midwife by birth, who has run the midwifery community and birthing center known as The Farm near Summertown, Tennessee, since 1971. In 2011, the midwives of this center had accompanied nearly 3,000 deliveries/births with extraordinary results that almost no other place in the world has been able to match: low rates of intervention, morbidity and mortality, despite the inclusion of vaginal breech deliveries , twins and births of large multiparous.

Without the need for an institution, a hospital or doctors, these women began delivering each other in a caravan of hippie school buses to share their knowledge of childbirth and motherhood throughout rural Tennessee. This book allows us to understand how these women and their families changed their conceptions about childbirth, in addition to showing an independent lifestyle in all aspects. Ina May Gaskin has attended more than 1,200 births, but has given birth to many more midwives and families with her books and publications. He has taught mothers, midwives, doctors and students around the world, and continues to attend regularly as a speaker at different meetings and conferences around the world. It is essential and perfect reading for all those who seek a less “medical” and more respectful approach to pregnant women.

Guía del nacimiento (ENTRELINEAS)

Birth Guide (INTERLINES)

Today on Amazon for €20.90
RRP at The Book House €20.90

The Volatile. Mamma mia!

This book shows the nine months of pregnancy carried out by one of the most popular characters in contemporary comics. A different way of seeing the day-to-day situations you go through when you are pregnant.

Finding yourself with a new body, new doubts and many, many fears. Joy, cravings, boobs, vomiting, sleep, stretch marks, ultrasound, belly… this book brings together all the topics of pregnancy seen from the particular perspective of Agustina Guerrero.

La Volátil. Mamma mia! (Lumen Gráfica)

The Volatile. Mamma mia! (Graphic Lumen)

Today on Amazon for €14.15
RRP at The Book House €14.15

39 weeks: and my experiences as a new mother

This was one of the books I read when I found out I was pregnant and it surprised me again when I reread it when I was pregnant again. It is divided into several chapters: pregnancy, first weeks, breastfeeding, growing up, clothes and knick-knacks and toiletry bag . What I like the most is that it perfectly combines the illustrations (with which you have a lot of guaranteed laughs), and the text, written in a very personal way because it really tells its own experiences, with which it is easy to identify with what you are Reading.

39 semanas: y mis experiencias como madre novata (Ilustración)

39 weeks: and my experiences as a new mother (Illustration)

Today on Amazon for €17.05
RRP at The Book House €17.05

skin-deep maternity

This book is an invitation to solve the concerns that appear in this fascinating journey, which is to raise and watch children grow, possibly the most transcendental thing we will do in life. Through the experiences of the author, a journalist specializing in motherhood and parenting consultant , and also the stories that accompany her story, we will feel motherhood on the surface whether it is yet to come, or whether we are already in the process of raise our children.

From the perspective of conscious parenting, Míriam Tirado tells us about breastfeeding, sleeping at night, how to adapt to being one more in the family… She also teaches us to accompany our children’s tantrums and overwhelmed emotions. Respecting the needs of the children but also the feelings of the parents , with empathy and love, a lot of love, it is possible to come out of all the conflicts and enjoy a motherhood to the surface, which fills us with joy and deeply enriches our lives. .

Maternidad a flor de piel: La gran aventura de tu vida (Crecer en familia)

Skin-deep motherhood: The great adventure of your life (Growing up as a family)

Today on Amazon for €17.95
RRP at The Book House €17.95

Physical exercise and nutrition in pregnancy

In this book, two sports enthusiasts, Mónica Robles, a gynaecologist, and Andrea Rubio, a personal trainer with a degree in Sports Science and Physical Activity, make a complete journey from the changes that the body of pregnant women undergoes, to proposing a complete training adapted to the different stages of pregnancy, as well as a nutritional plan that will help you stay in shape, both during pregnancy and postpartum.

Here you will find answers to these and more questions: What should I eat while pregnant? How to achieve and maintain an ideal weight during pregnancy. What kind of exercises can I do and what not during pregnancy? Myths and truths during pregnancy: don’t be fooled! Exercise planning before, during and after pregnancy: recover your body as quickly as possible! Your baby’s health depends on you, take care of yourself and love yourself!

Ejercicio físico y nutrición en el embarazo (+90 Ejercicios para entrenar embarazada) (Suelo pélvico, fuerza y cardio)

Physical exercise and nutrition in pregnancy (+90 Exercises to train pregnant) (Pelvic floor, strength and cardio)

Today on Amazon for €18.23

Mom eats healthy: Healthy eating during pregnancy and lactation

Does diet influence my fertility or that of my partner? Is it convenient to resort to vitamins, minerals, medicinal plants, food supplements or drugs? How many calories should I take? How much water do I have to drink? Is nausea a danger sign? What is to gain a lot (or little) weight? Can I be vegetarian? Is feeding in infancy an inextricable issue? What is (really) a healthy diet?

Julio Basulto, through his book, helps to form a criterion on these and many other concerns to choose and decide. This book does not propose a prodigious diet, rather it will make us question many of our eating habits , something absolutely necessary not only for maternal and child health, but also for that of the whole family.

Mamá come sano: Alimentación saludable en el embarazo y la lactancia (Clave)

Mom eats healthy: Healthy eating during pregnancy and lactation (Key)

Today on Amazon for €9.45
RRP at The House of the Book €9.45

we are the milk

Alba Padró, from her experience as a mother and international lactation consultant, offers you in this new updated edition more keys to make breastfeeding a pleasant act for you and your baby.

Motherhood is an unknown stage, full of myths and fears, if you are a new mother. And if you want to breastfeed your baby, you should know that breastfeeding can be learned, that it is not an instinctive act. It is a good book and has important information to be able to decide on every aspect of breastfeeding.

Somos la leche (edición revisada y actualizada): Dudas, consejos y falsos mitos sobre la lactancia (Embarazo, bebé y crianza)

We are the milk (revised and updated edition): Doubts, advice and false myths about breastfeeding (Pregnancy, baby and parenting)

Today on Amazon for €17.00
RRP at The Book House €17.00

A present for the whole life

Through this book Carlos González talk about one of his great passions: the defense of breastfeeding. The author’s intention is none other than to offer practical information to those mothers who wish to breastfeed. That is where the baby, in addition to food, seeks and finds love, comfort, warmth, security and attention. The important thing about this act is the bond that is established between the two and that is a kind of continuation of the umbilical cord.

Un regalo para toda la vida: Guía de la lactancia materna (Prácticos siglo XXI)

A Gift for Life: A Guide to Breastfeeding (Practical 21st Century)

Today on Amazon for €8.50
RRP at The Book House €8.50

Diary of a pediatrician mom

From her personal and professional experience, pediatrician Amalia Arce introduces us to the wonderful but perplexing world of parenting. Throughout these pages, all the questions and concerns that arise from pregnancy to the development of the child are unraveled with humor and rigor: doubts about food, basic care, family conciliation or even the choice of the pediatrician .

In addition, the author makes a complete review of the most common diseases and ailments and how to react to them. A book full of professional advice and personal anecdotes that will help us enjoy the great adventure of being parents.

Diario de una mamá pediatra: Consejos profesionales y anécdotas personales para disfrutar de la maternidad (Embarazo, bebé y crianza)

Diary of a pediatrician mom: Professional advice and personal anecdotes to enjoy motherhood (Pregnancy, baby and parenting)

Today on Amazon for €18.90
RRP at The Book House €18.90

The great book of Lucía, my pediatrician

A book that accompanies fathers and mothers on the journey of their lives. It includes a lot of information about the health and well-being of the baby until his adolescence, a reference manual, informative and entertaining.

In this book we find everything you need to understand the most common diseases and the answers to all those questions that assail fathers and mothers every day. Is it normal for my baby to cry? What are the most frequent reasons for consultation? How do I answer a teen’s questions about sex?

El gran libro de Lucía, mi pediatra: La guía más completa y actualizada sobre la salud de tu hijo desde el nacimiento a la adolescencia (No Ficción)

The great book of Lucía, my pediatrician: The most complete and up-to-date guide on your child’s health from birth to adolescence (Non-Fiction)

Today on Amazon for €21.75
RRP at The Book House €21.75

Two pediatricians at home: A guide on children’s health to clear up doubts and not despair

The baby has already arrived home and a wonderful and stressful stage begins in equal parts. And it is that there is no mother or father who is prepared for all the questions that begin to arise just by looking at the creature . Doubts assail us: what is the best position to sleep the baby? Is it necessary to bathe him every day? Can I go for a walk, even if it’s cold? What are this cough and these snot? if you have a fever?

Dos pediatras en casa: Una guía sobre salud infantil para salir de dudas y no desesperar (Superfamilias)

Two pediatricians at home: A guide on children’s health to clear up doubts and not despair (Superfamilies)

Today on Amazon for €17.05
RRP at The Book House €17.05

Kiss Me a lot

It is a book written in defense of children and parents, of all those who wish to educate their children as was done before, with love, taking them in their arms, caressing them, sleeping with them when they are disconsolate…

This book teaches us to respect our son as a human being , not to let him cry, to lull him to sleep, love him and kiss him. The author demonstrates, based on rigorous studies and his own professional experience, that this is the best way to ensure that they grow up healthy and happy. An essential that will free you from the phrase that you will hear thousands of times: “don’t pick him up, he gets used to it”.

Bésame mucho (nueva presentación) (Fuera de colección)

Kiss me a lot (new presentation) (Out of collection)

Today on Amazon for €15.67
RRP at The Book House €15.67

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