NewsAnthony Hopkins: What gives him peace of mind

Anthony Hopkins: What gives him peace of mind

From Thursday Anthony Hopkins can be seen in German cinemas with the dementia drama “The Father”. In his private life he has found “inner peace”.

Augsburg – Actor Anthony Hopkins has, in his own words, reached “a very happy, peaceful point” in life.

“I used to think I knew everything better – now I know that I don't know anything. That gives me inner peace, "said the 83-year-old British actor of the" Augsburger Allgemeine ".

“I am aware of my mortality. One day it's all over. I hope, however, that I still have many years ahead of me. My work keeps me alive. I love life and enjoy every day, ”he continued. Even in lockdown this was true: “I tried to make the best of it. I played the piano, read and painted. "

On Thursday (August 26th) Hopkins will hit German cinemas with the dementia drama “The Father”. In April he received his second Oscar for best actor for the role. He received the first award in 1992 for the personification of the serial killer Hannibal Lecter in the "Silence of the Lambs". dpa

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