LivingA delay is not always pregnancy: why my period...

A delay is not always pregnancy: why my period does not come

When a couple seeks to have a child, a delay in the period awakens the illusion of the possibility of becoming parents soon. However, a delay does not always mean the existence of a pregnancy.

A situation that creates more confusion is that the symptoms of the arrival of the period are easily confused with the first symptoms of pregnancy, such as pain and a feeling of swelling in the lower abdomen, tender and swollen breasts, irritability. In many cases, symptoms that although we wanted to, are not pregnancy.

A delay is not always pregnancy

The absence of menstruation alone does not mean that the woman is expecting a baby. Amenorrhea (interruption of menstruation) is not necessarily related to pregnancy. Besides that, there are many causes that can cause it.

A delay in menstruation can be a sign of pregnancy, but it can also be the reflection of some disorder in the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Why doesn’t my period come to me

Irregular periods can be a symptom of polycystic ovaries, an infectious disease, a poor diet, and even being close to puberty or menopause is a reason for the period to be delayed.

Other factors with great influence on the delay of the rule is to be going through particular situations such as a trip, vacation, a move or a change of environment. Likewise, stress, demands or family problems can alter the female cycle.

Faced with a delay in the rule, it is best to take a pregnancy test. In this way, doubts are cleared up, avoiding lengthening the anxiety generated by the uncertainty of “will I or will I not be pregnant?”, While if the pregnancy is confirmed, it is best that you go to prenatal controls as soon as possible and start taking folic acid.

Remember that for the test result to be reliable, it must be done at least on the first day of delay and preferably with the first urine of the day that has the highest concentration. However, today there are tests that ensure results a week after conception, even before there is a delay.

The test can also give a false negative, that is, negative even when there is conception. If the rule is still delayed, the test must be repeated after three or four days.

One piece of advice for couples who want to be parents is not to become obsessed with the pursuit of pregnancy. It’s normal for a late period to create hope when looking for a baby, but disappointment afterward can be extremely disappointing.

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