LivingA mother with coronavirus gave birth to a healthy...

A mother with coronavirus gave birth to a healthy baby without symptoms in Catalonia

Among so much negative news due to the coronavirus crisis, we know some that bring us hope, such as the birth of the first baby in Catalonia to a mother diagnosed with coronavirus .

The girl’s mother tested positive for Covid-19 the day before giving birth, but her symptoms were mild, and if it had not been for the delivery, she would not be admitted, said medical sources at the Sant Pau hospital in Barcelona where she gave birth to light.

The newborn’s name is Daniela and she is perfectly healthy and without symptoms , although she will remain under surveillance and will be tested for COVID-19 in the next few hours.

The delivery was by caesarean section, but sources from the Sant Pau hospital have explained to Efe that the cesarean section was not motivated by the coronavirus but for obstetric reasons and that the mother, the baby and the father are together in a room isolated from the rest of the plant. .

The mother has already been able to hold her baby in her arms and begin to breastfeed her using a mask and with the necessary hygiene measures to avoid any contagion, since although contagion within the uterus does not seem to happen, there may be contagion after birth.

If there are no complications, in 48 hours both mother and baby will be discharged, as in any normal delivery, and will be able to go home, where they will have a follow-up and must follow the same preventive measures.

In the coming days they will be subjected to the same face-to-face and / or telephone tests as the rest of mothers and babies in their situation and it will be facilitated that tests such as the heel test are carried out at home with the home midwives service.

I am leaving with EPI

As it should be in these cases, health professionals have had to take extreme precautions and have practiced cesarean section with personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid contagion.

It is the third baby that we are aware of that has been born healthy to mothers infected with coronavirus in Spain. The first was a premature baby born in Malaga, and the second a 35-week-old baby born in Vigo.

In Babies and more | I am pregnant: guide to everything you need to know about the coronavirus, Newborns and coronavirus: what are the symptoms and what recommendations to take into account

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