NewsA sign of improvement? - Queen is on the...

A sign of improvement? – Queen is on the phone with Johnson

Difficulty walking and corona infection: The British are currently worried about Queen Elizabeth II – but now the 95-year-old monarch seems to be doing better.

London – Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II held her weekly audience with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the phone despite Covid-19 disease.

This was announced by Buckingham Palace. As recently as Tuesday, the 95-year-old monarch canceled several virtual audiences, raising concerns among her subjects. According to the palace, the Queen, who tested positive for the corona virus last Sunday, is suffering from “mild cold-like symptoms”.

Elizabeth II should have been vaccinated against Corona at least three times. Due to her old age and recent health problems, an infection is not considered harmless. In the past year, she had to cancel several events and was ordered to rest by her doctors. When the Queen received guests for an audience at Windsor Castle last week, she also hinted at walking difficulties. dpa

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