NewsAfter corona infection: Queen gives online audiences again

After corona infection: Queen gives online audiences again

King Elizabeth II is back to work after her corona infection. She now received the ambassadors for Trinidad and Tobago and Malawi – but only for online audiences.

Windsor – A week and a half after her positive corona test, Queen Elizabeth II seems to be recovering from her infection.

The Queen received the ambassadors for Trinidad and Tobago and Malawi for online audiences from Windsor Castle on Thursday, as Buckingham Palace announced afterwards. The 95-year-old had already received two ambassadors via video link on Tuesday.

Observers interpret the online dates as a sign that the Queen’s recovery is progressing. At the beginning of her illness, she had “mild, cold-like symptoms,” according to the palace. She later canceled some scheduled virtual appointments.

The cancellation of a large reception for the diplomatic corps in London this week has been linked to the war in Ukraine. In any case, health reasons did not play a role, the German press agency learned from palace circles.

Although it is certain that the Queen has been vaccinated three times, due to her old age, concerns about the monarch were initially great. In early February, she celebrated the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne – in June, the platinum anniversary is to be celebrated across the country. dpa

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